Designing for sailors, ANY IDEAS???


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16 May 2001
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Women\'s needs

I think you should give up on the men - definitely their lowest priority! However, following on the women's theme, my nails definitely grow at twice the normal rate at sea, so as well as nail clippers, a harsh nail file would be useful.


Savloy84 read this ! from a fellow design student

i'm in my final year of 'A' levels and am doing product design as one of them so i know what you are on about.

thoughts that came to me initialy are :

* Obviously it has to be waterproof as you are in a marine environment, and rust is a major issue which needs to be addressed.

* Durability and longitevity is another important factor, i am not entirely sure which you mean when you say razor, whether it is a blade razor for wetshave or a electric razor. If it is an electric razor consider the fact that you may be there shaving away in some rough conditions and you then get knocked of balance. You will probably drop the razor in order to put your arms out to protect you. This could cause damage to it, therefore you could have a loop or lanyard that you have on some torches that goes over your wrist so if you drop it, then it stays attached to your arm. ( Like you have on ski poles ).
If it does get dropped though you need to think about how it will deal with the impact. The use of a dense plasticy/rubbery/foamy material ( i cannot remember the name of it for the life of me, but its sometimes used on bottom of controllers and things as a non-slip material. Its used on a sky digital remote. ) to be on the corners where it will impact is useful method to protect it.

* colours need to be like a bluey silver or somethign like, as definetly should not be black as this would make people think it is a normal house hold thing.

got to go as in lucnh break but will post again, if this is helpful.
