Dauntless Poppet



I am trying to trace the previous history of my Dauntless 23 foot clinker sloop, now called LULU and based on the Fal. I have the details of the two owners prior to me, but the furthest back I can get is about 1994 when she was moved to the Fal.

Before this, she was called POPPET and sailed from Bosham near Chichester. I believe that she was then looked after by Coombes yard. Does anyone here remember her in this previous incarnation (or earlier), and perhaps have any details which would help me to fill in her history?



Thanks Malc. Yes, I am / have been a member of the DA for three years now, and they too have drawn a blank on the history of my boat. Unfortunately, unlike most Dauntless, she has no builder's number on the stern knee. She is also very unusual in having three portholes on each cabin side, whereas most have just two. I have met yachting folks from Bosham who remember her well when she was there, but no lead on who her owner was.
