steve yates
Well-known member
If anyone has a boat in dauntless worth checking it. Apparently a couple opf lads who had just arrived a few weeks ago were living on their boat and got pissed up and went round breaking into boats and ripping out instrumentation etc, looking to get more beer money.
Just been down to mine after a week, they left it wide open with hatch slid back, luckily the doghouse kept out the rain. They had ripped of the garmin unit but left it on the chart table, and the radar screen was sitting there, easy to take but mebbe too old for them
I suspect they got disturbed as I think the carnage ended at my boat. I'll find out from the yard tomorrow, who appaerntly had difficulty in contacting me. Funny their bill arrives ok every month by email!
Just been down to mine after a week, they left it wide open with hatch slid back, luckily the doghouse kept out the rain. They had ripped of the garmin unit but left it on the chart table, and the radar screen was sitting there, easy to take but mebbe too old for them