Damaged stern rail repair- Chios, Lesvos


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17 Oct 2021
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When we were at anchor in a vast, empty anchorage a sailing boat hit us while for some unknown reason tried to anchor close to us. Bow rail and stern rail are damaged and at least one bolt holding the stern rail pillars was sheared off. Beside mechanical weakness there is a worrying leak spot above the linear drive, so we will have to fix the rail ASP.

We are now close to Mykonos and we planned to go north on Friday, when meltemi is expected to ease for a day or two. May I ask for any recommendations of the marina/shipyard/workshop on Chios or Lesvos, where the repair of the railing including some stainless welding could be performed. Or it is better to change the plans and head for Samos or even Leros for the repair?
