How do I get up the mast to fit the topping lift? The gas strut is wearing of now, I think it was something to do with the nut cutlet and mushy peas ..
I'm not really interested in the outcome of this post. You'd have to be very silly to lose all your halliards and so in a way the original post is conceptually flawed and is not the product of a mind normally quite focussed. I think there has to be some significance in the fact that this came on whilst you were walking the dog. For the benefit of readers globally and for my Sports psychology students I think I'd like details of the age, breed and gender of the dog. Also, does it walk on the left or the right?
It was more to do with how I could really screw someone up that really annoyed me and I thought I could just pull all his halyards(and topping lift) through/forums/images/icons/shocked.gif ... and then I wondered how I would get out of it if someone did that to me /forums/images/icons/mad.gif .. I think the rolling hitches round the mast do have some merit.
The dog is a 7 year old bitch, a cross between a black lab and a weimeranner so sehe looks like a jet black weimeranner, quite striking IMHO. She walks, or trots to the left as I cycle along unless she smells something interesting, like another dog shite, and then she's off. Her weekly mileage is c. 40 miles at a brisk trot.
Perhaps he has four or five dogs, and they all rather surprisingly rushed up a tree, took their leads off and ran down again leaving jimi to work out how to retrieve the leads.
In any case, i am now worried about the sports psychology students, who should surely be more interested in plight of jimi's dog(s) than their breed, age and sex. But to help get them started - read the question - the dog was male. Otherwise, jimi would have said that he was out walking the bitch, wouldn't he?
Back to the point, and it is a valid one if you have a fractional rigged boat with no topping lift (such as mine).
What you need is a mate with a taller mast. first moor alongside him then go up his mast unitl you are leval with the mast head on your own boat. Then comes the exiting bit. You have to swing out and grab your mast. Then lash yourself to the topmast. you can then ease out the halyard you are attatched to (keeping it on as a safety). Problem solved.
Have you tried this I hear you ask? Well, yes I have. On a 40ft 1 tonner. I was pulled up the mast of a Swan 57 (Desperado). Once up there the Swan left the marina forcing me to finish the job!
... at Northam bridge in Southampton. Climbed over the parapet to release the sails at the masthead, and then got done by a passing traffic cop for attempted suicide.
Yes thank you for that
I may need more information so please do not leave the country at present. This will of course not be difficult for you should you have been planning to go to France today as it is shut - or so I understand.
You have raised a slight concern in that you seem to be displaying psychopathic tendencies towaards other yachtspersons.
May the forum assume that you have at last found the offending party in the Port/Starboard/Harridan saga or is it that you have you come off your medication?
Unfortunately I'm only of a mild psychopatic nature in that I can think of various retibutions but am too mild mannered and well brought up to implement them. On the other hand I have a deep streak of paranoia which means that once I have thought of a suitable punishment I imagine that the world and his dog (or should that be bitch?) are waiting in the wings to get me. This leads to an uncomfortable and miserable existence.
The miedication is going well, I have come off it for a few days to refresh the liver in preparation for the onslaught its going to face theis weekend. How are the hare gland inplants doing?