Yacht Castor
New member
This summer we intend passing a few Months lazing around the Balearics before heading for a new winter location. There might be a place available for us in Cannes so we are considering sailing from Minorca over to Alghero on the West Sardinia coast and then following the coast North, crossing the straits to Bonifacio (a must see) and then up the West coast of Corsica before crossing over to the South of France. I have never sailed this area before but am a little concerned having read much about the fierceness of the Mistral and the rough seas that heap up all the way back from the Gulf de Lyon. It doesn’t sound much fun on a lee shore with many exposed anchorages. Obviously no two years are the same and that some summers the Mistral can blow week after week non stop but is there anyone that has local knowledge of the area or who has done this journey before and can advise me of any do's and don'ts and the latest time in the season to attempt the passage.