Crew reward


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20 Apr 2003
Mersea Island
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We are going to keep our boat for a year in Brittany and are now investigating various ways of getting her there, i.e. delivery skipper, road transport or sailing her ourselves with crew.

Before trawling our sailing club for crew what are the usual conditions to offer, wages?, travelling expenses? food bills?

Does anyone have any experience as to whether it is cheaper to do it one of the other ways. We want to do it in one hit as we do not want to use up all our holiday entitlement just getting her there.

Any advice anyone has to offer will be greatly appreciated.

<hr width=100% size=1>Jonathan & Avril


Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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There are probably quite a few people out there who are looking for sea-miles towards their YM, so if it was me, I would offer to pay all on board expenses and the crew pay the travel. I've done a couple of delivery trips as crew, and there has been 3 of us on board - Skipper, Mate & me, and that was the basic arrangement. The skipper got paid a lump sum I believe.

What are your own experience/ qualifications?
When are you planning to go?

Depending on when you're thinking of going, I may be available.

If you want any more info, send me a PM


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6 Sep 2002
West Sussex, England
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I find that quite often people are quite happy to come along as crew on the basis that I provide the boat and sustanance and boat running cost (berthing etc) and they pay travel costs. In fact they usually pitch up at the start of the trip with goodies to share - food and drink. At our club there are usually a few notices on the board from crew who want to obtain experience and, in fact, the club maintains a register of people who to crew;this is quite useful because as a skipper you can have access to their experience etc., before talking to them about a specific cruise. It is a two way trade because if people want experience it costs them if they go to a school

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New member
16 Oct 2003
A Brit in Belgium
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The best option obviously depends on your budget. If all you want to do is get the boat there, you've got plenty of dosh and not much time, then get a delivery skipper to do it. You'll end up paying their expenses as well as the daily rate so this would be expensive.

On the other hand if you can get a crew together from a local club or whatever, the norm would be to provide food, but otherwise its up to them. Maybe if you end up with some students or something you might want to help them with the ferry fare home, but generally its up to the crew to sort out their own travel - after all they're getting a good sail for nothing.

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