23 Aug 2004 #1 I ianainge New member Joined 15 Jan 2003 Messages 428 Location Hampshire Visit site Big race on Sunday, where`s the best vantage place in the Solent to catch the race? <hr width=100% size=1>
Big race on Sunday, where`s the best vantage place in the Solent to catch the race? <hr width=100% size=1>
23 Aug 2004 #2 M marklongstaff New member Joined 16 May 2001 Messages 136 Location Hamble Visit site Hurst Spit would probably be as good a place as any - saw it from there a few years ago when the vis was terrible - and I think one boat went up the beach towards Torquay that year!! What time is the start? ML <hr width=100% size=1>
Hurst Spit would probably be as good a place as any - saw it from there a few years ago when the vis was terrible - and I think one boat went up the beach towards Torquay that year!! What time is the start? ML <hr width=100% size=1>
23 Aug 2004 #3 P PaulF New member Joined 20 Feb 2004 Messages 457 Location Chandlers Ford, Hants Visit site 11am start for Wednesday, Fri, Sat and Sun. <hr width=100% size=1>