COVID Vaccination Letters - NHS England and Scotland - Links to Apply For Letters

  • Thread starter Deleted member 36384
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Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Utterly useless unless you have had a letter for your vaccination appointment which gives you a user name. There is no other way you can get your vaccination status except by phoning the laughingly named 'helpline' - which puts me at number 74 in the queue. And that was only because I lied about needing it to travel in the next three weeks. If you say no ot that question they just hang up on you.

I am holding to see if I eventually get through, though at the current rate of queue progress it will be over an hour. And then I expect them to tell me I cannot be given a user name if I did not have a letter.

- W


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31 May 2007
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Most of these customer help lines rely on attrition to deal with callers.
Tried paying for parking on line in Somerset. 34 minutes before I got into a press this button etc.
Gave up, expect a ticket but intend to fight it.


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30 May 2001
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Deleted member 36384

Utterly useless unless you have had a letter for your vaccination appointment which gives you a user name. There is no other way you can get your vaccination status except by phoning the laughingly named 'helpline' - which puts me at number 74 in the queue. And that was only because I lied about needing it to travel in the next three weeks. If you say no ot that question they just hang up on you.

I am holding to see if I eventually get through, though at the current rate of queue progress it will be over an hour. And then I expect them to tell me I cannot be given a user name if I did not have a letter.

- W

Maybe for you it is, but for me as it was a piece of cake. Perhaps your personal circumstances don't fit neatly into the UK governments Covid vaccination scheme, in which case I do sympathise. Proof of vacinnation looks as if it is becoming key to travel and reduction in quarantine. For example, an upcoming business trip to USA it looks like I may not need to quarantine beyond 3 days becuase I have my vacination letter; still waiting for clarification though, so could be wrong.

The objective of my post was for those who may be travelling back to their boats abroad for the summer to access the letters.


Well-known member
12 Oct 2009
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Utterly useless unless you have had a letter for your vaccination appointment which gives you a user name. There is no other way you can get your vaccination status except by phoning the laughingly named 'helpline' - which puts me at number 74 in the queue. And that was only because I lied about needing it to travel in the next three weeks. If you say no ot that question they just hang up on you.

I am holding to see if I eventually get through, though at the current rate of queue progress it will be over an hour. And then I expect them to tell me I cannot be given a user name if I did not have a letter.

- W

(My bold.) Any chance that could at least in part be why the poor helpline staff are so busy... :rolleyes:

The English system via the App certainly seems to work as expected. I can't comment on the Scottish one.


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13 Mar 2017
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Utterly useless unless you have had a letter for your vaccination appointment which gives you a user name. There is no other way you can get your vaccination status except by phoning the laughingly named 'helpline' - which puts me at number 74 in the queue. And that was only because I lied about needing it to travel in the next three weeks. If you say no ot that question they just hang up on you.

I am holding to see if I eventually get through, though at the current rate of queue progress it will be over an hour. And then I expect them to tell me I cannot be given a user name if I did not have a letter.

- W
I got my vaccination status by getting my username here:
Recover Username - Customer Service
All I needed was my name, date of birth, postcode and the date of my first vaccination. It was boringly straightforward. Have you had your dose 1 since returning from Portugal?
Once logged in, initially one could download a PDF certificate but that was withdrawn after folk started falsifying them. You now click an icon to request a paper certificate be sent out via Postman Pat.
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Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
I don't know whether your circumstances preclude this, but our details are accessed via the NHS app.
I don't think it is available via the app if you live in Scotland. I made a point of retaining all vaccination appointment documents and was able to logon a couple of weeks ago to check my vaccination records. I must admit that I didn't see the username and link first time around as there were on the reverse side and not too obvious. I bet a lot of people did just bin the page showing link and username.

I could probably have guessed mine with a little effort as it seems to be <<firstname>>.<<First 2 chars from lastname>>nnn. My wife had same format and same last 3 numbers. e.g. James Simpson would end up as something like james.si003

A few tries might well have found my record fairly quickly as it immediately ask for DOB and would presumably fail on 000, 001 and 002. The "nnn" part might be quite high for people with a common name such as Smith. :D

Good to know that the username recovery process does work and means trial and error isn't needed.

The on screen record would be trivial to fake and I'd hope the printed version would have some security measures (e.g. number, barcode etc.). I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't as that would probably require some online verification process.


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24 May 2012
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Although jabbed by SNS in Portugal, I understand that if you provide proof of vaccination, it can be uploaded onto your NHS account and the you can apply for a Covid Vaccination Letter.

An EU-wide Covid Passport is in the process of being released and will be available in Portugal from 1July. You just use the SNS Covid app and get a digital passport, you can print off.

I understand that the NHS will accept the EU passport as proof, amend your NKS records and issue a Covid Letter.

In the meantime, folk travelling internationally, appear to be using their Covid card issued when you are vaccinated but because, as yet, proof of vaccination as poof of vaccination is not required, this has yet to be confirmed as acceptable.1B583ADE-A14A-4B4E-9131-3746411BA11C.jpeg.

The front of the card identifies the vaccine used with a QR code and on the back are details of the receipt, the date and the batch number of the vaccine given.

Hopefully, the EU and UK will recognised the validity of each other’s documents but to be safe, I hope to get both.
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23 Aug 2002
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Ditto Italy: I got an SMS from the health authorities containing a code; I launched my covid tracking app and entered code and a couple of other details and, bingo, my Green Pass QR code appeared by magic and I can now travel anywhere in the EU. Dead easy. (It looks the same as Alicatt's).