Couldn't be a pirate so went to town...


Well-known member
15 Feb 2005
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Couldn\'t be a pirate so went to town...

Kids busy all weekend - weather would have scared them off anyway so I got a "bloke crew" together and sailed to London. Saturday was a typical nasty Thames Estuary chop; with the weather resolutely on the nose whichever way we turned. Heard Morgana calling on the radio and we wished "good winds" on all the pirate weekend boats.

We tacked all the way to Queenborough to meet up with others from the Moody Owners Assoc. It's on days like this that you realise why the old hands use phrases like "working the boat to windward". 10 hours for a 6 hour sail - we were knackered.

Sunday morning and with barely a scrap of sail set we ventured down the London River with a top-end 6 gusting 7 on the beam which quickly filled in to a proper 7. Still, by that time the river had narrowed and the chop was less - though still enough to throw the odd dollop into our faces. I think the river knows when someone has just handed me a cup of coffee and believes it tastes better with salt water added!

Marmalade in St Kats for the week. Anyone who works in town and wants to say Hello one evening is very welcome.