Costa Concordia (Titanic 2012)


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23 Jul 2008
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From an industry website...

Dear Sir,

In placing the steamer ******* temporarily under your command, we desire to direct your attention to the Company's regulations for the safe and efficient navigation of its vessels and also to impress upon you, in the most forcible manner, the paramount and vital importance of exercising the utmost caution in the navigation of the ships and that the safety of the passengers and crew weighs with us above and before all other considerations.

You are to dismiss all idea of competitive passages with other vessels, and to concentrate your attention upon a cautious, prudent and ever watchful system of navigation which will lose time or suffer any other temporary inconvenience rather than incur the slightest risk which can be avoided.

We request you to make an invariable practice of being yourself on deck and in full charge when the weather is thick or obscure, in all narrow waters and whenever the ship is within sixty miles of land, also that you will give a wide berth to all Headlands, Shoals and other positions involving peril, that where possible you will take cross bearings when approaching any coast, and that you will keep the lead going when approaching the land in thick or doubtful weather, as the only reliable proof of the safety of the ship's position.

The most rigid discipline on the part of your officers must be observed and you will require them to avoid at all times, convivial intercourse with passengers or each other, the crew also must be kept under judicious control and the look-out men carefully selected and zealously watch when on duty, and you are to report to us promptly all instances of inattention, incapacity or irregularity on the part of your officers and in others under your control.

Whilst we have confidence in your sobriety of habit and demeanor we extort you to use your best endeavours to imbue your officers and all those about you with a due sense of the advantage which will accrue not only to the Company but to themselves by being strictly temperate, as this quality will weigh with us in an especial degree when giving promotion.

The consumption of coals, water, provisions and other stores, together with the prevention of waste in any of the departments, should engage your daily and most careful attention, in order that you may be forewarned of any deficiency that may be impending, that waste may be avoided, and a limitation in quantity determined on, in case you should deem such a step necessary , in the interests of prudence.

Should you at any time have any suggestions to make bearing upon the improvement of the steamers, their arrangement, equipment or any other matter connected with the service on which they are engaged, we shall always be glad to receive and consider same. In the event of a collision, stranding or other accident of a serious nature happening to one of the company's steamers, necessitating the holding of an Enquiry by the Managers, written notice of the same will be given to the Commander, who shall immediately on receipt of such notice hand in a letter tendering the resignation of his position in the Company's Services, which letter will be retained pending the result of the Enquiry.

We have alluded, generally, to the subject of safe and watchful navigation, and we desire earnestly to impress on you how deeply these considerations affect not only the well-being, but the very existence of the Company itself, and the injury which it would sustain in the event of any misfortune attending the management of your vessel, first from the blow which would be inflicted to the reputation of the Line, secondly from the pecuniary loss that would accrue, (the Company being their own insurers), and thirdly from the interruption of a regular service upon which the success of the present organisation must necessarily depend.

We request your co-operation in achieving those satisfactory results which can only be obtained by unremitting care and prudence at all times, whether in the presence of danger or when by its absence you may be lured into a false sense of security; where there is least apparent peril the greatest danger often exists, a well-founded truism which cannot be too prominently borne in mind.

We are,
Yours Truly.

(Issued to White Star Line masters, circa 1912)


Well-known member
23 Jul 2008
East coast UK. Mostly. Sometimes the Philippines
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Not quite - White Star were merged with Cunard almost by Government order (HMG controlled the mail contracts!) in 1934 after the Government offered the two companies £9.5M if they merged. White Star had become insolvent on the collapse of the Royal Mail Lines Group in 1931 (google "Lord Kylsant" when Wikipedia is back up!)

Cunard was bought by Carnival Corporation who also bought Costa Crociere (and P&O Princess Cruises)


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7 Dec 2002
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If it's accepted that the only damage on the starboard side is due to the final grounding, then it's quite possible the roll to starboard was caused either by free surface water sloshing around, or the crew filling ballast tanks to counter the ingress to port.

There has been the suggestion that the ship was deliberately flooded down to starboard due to the shelf there compared to the deep water to port; if that turns out to be true, whoever did that was extraordinarily quick thinking and cool in the crisis.

I have just been reading a detailed account in "Mer & Marine".

The captain ordered a heading to take it about 500m from the E. Coast of Giglio and approached at 15knts. It was in order that a crew member could salute his family. Just before reaching the destination, the captain himself took manual control of the boat and switched off the pilot and certain other systems - much to the astonishment of the other officers.

After hitting, he asked his N°2 to go down and inspect the damage. He came back shortly afterwards saying that the water was up to neck level, the generators were drowned and the pumps weren't working.

Everybody then expected the Captain to order the abandonment of the ship but he spent all his time on the phone to the HQ. Finally the other officers mutinied and the N°2 took over the command and ordered the evacuation. They said that the time lost was critical because the boat had been at an angle which would have facilitated the launching of the life-boats.

Apparently there was also an incident in November in Marseilles when the Captain decided to leave port in the middle of a storm against advice.

He had a reputation of being a show-off.
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25 Feb 2008
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Mer et Marine Article pt1

Babelfish phrases a bit quaint, but article quite balanced, esp summing up in pt2-file split as too big for ybw.
Reception > Cruisings & Voyages > Accidents, pollution
The commander of Concordia in the storm: RIGHTS RESERVES
There is evil to believe in it. The Italian press, since the placement in guard-with-sight of the commander of Costa Concordia, is made the echo of the first testimonys received on the course of the events, seen since the footbridge. Who, if they were to prove, make cold in the back, in particular on the attitude of the commander.
Ten staff officers was already heard by Italian justice, after the prosecutor of Grossetto opened an preliminary investigation for “multiple manslaughters” and “abandonment of ship”. The commander and the officer of the watch at the time of the facts are always in guard-with-sight, a judge soon will come to a conclusion about their provisional placement in detention. These infringements are liable 15 years of prison.
The officers of Concordia brought many details on the events, and their testimonys have escape in the Italian press.

The commander wanted “to show what it was able”

If one believes testimonys of them, of the general opinion, the 52 year old commander, entered in 2002 at like person in charge of safety and promoted ordering in 2006, was a “breakage-neck”. And it would seem that, the evening of January 13, he wanted to set a challenge by passing very close to the island of Giglio. “He wanted to show what he was able”, explains one of the officers. It is him which would have required of the officer of the watch to do lot of mileage “of accosting of the island”, with a course with the 278° which brought the ship to 0.5 thousand of the coast. On arrival near the island, the commander would be ridden to the footbridge and would have asked to take the operation, passing the bar manually, owes the officers present and obviously jellyfishes.
21:42, impact. According to testimonys, the first reflex of the commander is to contact the control unit of the fleet of Costa. Its officers surround it and ask him what it is necessary to do. He does not answer immediately, not absorbed by his call to the company. Costa confirmed this telephone call, specifying that the commander had announced “a serious problem on board but which it minimized the problem by saying that it could be left there”. An emergency procedure is started by the company with 22:05. The commander then orders with his second to go to the engine room. This one there goes and recalls, thrown into a panic, the footbridge, by saying that it has “water to the neck” and that nothing any more functions, that the generators are flooded, that the electrical circuits are out of use and that the pumps are inoperative.
This moment, all expect an order of evacuation on behalf of the commander. Who is always on the telephone, apparently called by one as of his former commanders, resident of Giglio and who would have been warned by the mayor of the island of the situation of Costa Concordia. The commander does not answer his officers, nor with his second who, while running in the gangways realizes of the gravity of the situation.
Helps prevented by the passengers
22:07, the harbour office of Leghorn, which coordinates the helps of the zone, is prevented. But not by the commander. They are the gendarmes, warned by the family which received a telephone call thrown into a panic of momentary being on the bridge with her life jacket, which called the coastguards. Incredible scenario in which it is the harbour office which is obliged to call the ship. “Us immediately called them. They said to us that it was about a blackout and that they managed the situation”. The shift leader of the harbour office finds the position of the ship, sees that it is too much close to the island, insists near his chief so that one sends helps nevertheless. The chief of operation of the harbour office takes the things in hand.
22:30, still not of order of evacuation of the ship. The officers would have rebelled. They would have pressed the commander to make evacuate the ship, whereas this one was, always seems it on the telephone. A mutiny would then have burst and all would have decided that they would answer henceforth the orders of the second in command. This one would have immediately decided evacuation of the ship, which, meanwhile, took lodging enormously, complicating of as much the setting with the water of the launches. He is 22:58. One of the officers would have entrusted, depity, that “during the first forty minutes after the impact, the ship was right, one could have launched the launches on the two sides, the evacuation would have been much easier”.
A conversation confusing between the commander and the helps
1:26, the helps are with work. The harbour office of Leghorn mobilized the large means: six helicopters, twelve inflatable boats, five high-speed motorboats, of the tug boats installed of Civitavecchia and Leghorn. The chief of operation of the harbour office Gregorio De Falco ends up having the commander of Concordia on the telephone. This one is already on a launch, obviously with other officers. Is followed from there a surrealist conversation, whose soundtrack was diffused by the site of the Italian daily newspaper Reppublica. The officer who coordinates the operations in Leghorn clearly suspects Francesco Schettino of having left his ship and to be itself put at the shelter, whereas there are still people who evacuate the steamer. Either by launches, but with cords on the side port side of the ship, which is then lying (as one can see it on the infra-red images). De Falco enjoint in Schettino to turn over on officer but Concordia board, pointed out seems it towards 1:46, is always on a lifeboat with its second. He explains why he fell to water when the ship capsized and that, not having the possibility of going back to edge, affirms that he coordinates the operations since this boat.
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25 Feb 2008
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Mer et Marine Article pt2 found byt Sybrite

Babelfish xlation for speed-good website M&M, Sybrite:).......coordinates the operations since this boat. These two conversations, very interesting, are to be read below, but also, to listen with a version tarduite and images taken in the night of Friday to Saturday, on the site of Swiss newspaper TSR.

De Falco: “I am De Falco of Leghorn, I speak with the commander? ”

Schettino: “Yes good evening commander De Falco. ”

De Falco: “Tell me your name please. ”

Schettino: “I am the commander Schettino, commander”

De Falco: “Schettino? Listen to Schettino. There are blocked people on board. Now you go with your launch under the prow of the ship of the right-sided. There is a scale and you go up on board. You go on board and you say to us how much there are people. It is clear? I record this communication, commander Schettino…”

Schettino: “Commander, I want to tell you a thing…”

De Falco: “Speak with strong voice. Put the hand in front of the microphone and speak about a stronger voice, it is clear? ”

Schettino: “Currently the ship is tilted…”

De Falco: “I included/understood. Listen: there are people who go down by the scale from prow. This scale you must traverse it in opposite direction, to go up on the ship and to say to me how much there are people and what occurs on board. It is clear? You must say to me how much there are children, women and people needing assistance. And you me known as how much people there is in these categories. It is clear? Schettino, you listen to perhaps succeeded in saving you sea but there, really that badly will occur… I will cause you enormous troubles. Go on board, bloody hell!! ”

Schettino: “Commander, please”

De Falco: “Not, please… Now you, you go there go back to edge. You ensure me that you are going back to edge…”

Schettino: “I am already going there there, I am there, I do not go nowhere, I am there…”

De Falco: “That are you making commander? ”

Schettino: “I am there to coordinate the helps…”

De Falco: “Who coordinates over there? Now you go back to edge to coordinate the helps on board. You refuse there? ”

Schettino: “Not I do not refuse”.

De Falco: “You refuse to go back to edge? Say me for which reason to you do not go there? ”

Schettino: “I am not going there because it there with the other boat which stopped…” De Falco: “You go on board, it is an order. You should not think of another thing. You declared the abandonment of the ship. Maintaining it is me which orders. You go back to edge!! It is clear? You hear me? Go ahead and call directly since the boat. On the spot there is already my air help”.

Schettino: “Where is your means of help? ”

De Falco: “It is with the prow. Go ahead. There are already Schettino corpses”.

Schettino: “There is how much of it? ”

De Falco: “I do not know. One it is sure, I heard it. It is with you to say it to me how much, good blood!!! ”

Schettino: “But you realize that it grows dark and which here one does not see nothing? ”

De Falco: “What do you want to make Schettino, to return to the house? It grows dark then you want to return on your premise? Go up on the prow of the ship by the scale and you me known as what one can make, how much there are people, which are their needs. Immediately!! ”

A little later, apparently with 1:46, a new conversation is held between Falco and Schettino. The chief of the operations in Leghorn has seems it prevented that the commander of Concordia had not gone back to edge.

De Falco: “Commander, it is De Falco of Leghorn. Where are you? In a launch with all the officers”

Schettino: “Yes, I am there with the second in command” (note: on a lifeboat).

De Falco: “Assemble on board both. You and your second you go up now on board, it is clear? ”

Schettino: “Commander, I would like to go up on board but the other launch here. There are the other rescuers… It stopped and it is blocked, I called other rescuers. ”

De Falco: “That makes one hour that you me known as that. Now you go on board, go HAS EDGE!! And you come to say to me immediately how much there are people”.

Schettino: “Of ordering agreement. ”

De Falco: “Go ahead immediately!! ”

In Marseilles, one contradicts any problem with Concordia and the commander Schettino

These new elements are particularly interesting. But, as it is the case since the beginning of this business, they are to be taken with prudence. Because, since the shipwreck, an incredible flood of contradictory informations was diffused. It was the case on the level of the schedules, the duration of the operations of evacuation or of the moment when the commander left the ship. In the same way, one still does not know with certainty which trajectory exactly followed the steamer, whose BOARD did not emit during more than one fifteen minutes (was it cut?) at the critical moment. Thus, yesterday, of the media evoked the possibility that the ship passed between two large rocks, in the south of Oporto Giglio, an extremely narrow master key where to venture with a steamer would hold of the suicide mission! Not easily believable but, once again, that adds some with a multitude of information and rumours which, put end to end, leave many inconsistencies as for the advanced scenarios. Concerning testimonys of the officers also, more the greatest caution is essential. And, already, a charge apparently uttered during hearings proves completely false. Thus, of the officers would have according to Reppublica evoked an incident which would have already taken place with the commander Schettino, on December 17, with the equipment of Marseilles. Whereas there was more than 50 nodes of wind, this one would have announced that it would install some are the conditions, while at the same time the majority of the officers was opposed to it. It would however have left, say the officers, presenting the operation like extremely dangerous. Only here, after having contacted the pilots of the wearing of Marseilles, it proves that no ship of Costa was in stopover in the city phocéenne on December 17. The only exit of Concordia which could correspond is that of December 29, where the Mistral had been reinforced in end-of-day, blowing with 45 nodes. But the steamer left without encumbers, at the end of an operation certainly delicate, but not exceptional. Questioned by Nouvel Observateur, Patrick Payan, the pilot who was aboard ship this day there, the commander Schettino like “a professional and worthy person presents”. Under these conditions, it is allowed to partially question the testimonys brought back by the Italian press. The more so as one knows very well that in cruising, the competitions between officers are current. And that some, to protect their career, perhaps wanted to be trued. As for the character of the “uncle”, to depict the commander Schettino like a kind of Aldo Maccione in uniform, ready to impress the gallery and a little imbu of its person, it is not sufficient to make a culprit of it. The medium indeed counts a certain number of “princesses”, with the behavior sometimes horripilant but who are not for all that bad officers.

Francesco Schettino should be released today

Challenged Saturday and placed as a police custody, the commander of Concordia was heard during three hours, yesterday, by a judge of Grossetto. The officer again affirmed that it did not give up the ship but which it fell to water and could not regain the edge. Its lawyer, as for him, recalled that the stranding of Concordia very close to Oporto Giglio, operation put at the credit of the commander, had made it possible to prevent that the boat capsizes and, consequently, that its customer “had saved hundreds, even of the thousands of lives”. A cold comfort for the families of the victims and the survivors, revolted by the fact that the captain has apparently voluntarily approximate island and, sailing well too close, ran up against the reef which caused the loss of Concordia and the death of at least 11 people.
Always it is that at the conclusion of his hearing by the judge, the officer should leave prison today and be assigned with residence. And the investigation, very hard, continues…

Deleted User YDKXO

However, (again early on in this thread), there was a commnet/ quote that passengers had reported that at the time of impact they passed very close to rocks level with the fourth deck level (?) - what does that mean ?

Decks on cruise ships generally go from bottom to top so deck 4 on the CC would be 4 decks from the lowest level which I guess puts it at maybe 15-20m above sea level and again I'm guessing but maybe a couple of decks below below the lifeboat decks. This is a picture of the outer rocks at Isola Le Scole Possibly this is what the passengers saw from Deck 4 and the bigger rocks behind. Also this is a pic of some wreckage found of Le Scole


Well-known member
7 Dec 2002
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Babelfish phrases a bit quaint, but article quite balanced, esp summing up in pt2-file split as too big for ybw.
Reception > Cruisings & Voyages > Accidents, pollution
The commander of Concordia in the storm: RIGHTS RESERVES
There is evil to believe in it. The Italian press, since the placement in guard-with-sight of the commander of Costa Concordia, is made the echo of the first testimonys received on the course of the events, seen since the footbridge. Who, if they were to prove, make cold in the back, in particular on the attitude of the commander.
Ten staff officers was already heard by Italian justice, after the prosecutor of Grossetto opened an preliminary investigation for “multiple manslaughters” and “abandonment of ship”. The commander and the officer of the watch at the time of the facts are always in guard-with-sight, a judge soon will come to a conclusion about their provisional placement in detention. These infringements are liable 15 years of prison.
The officers of Concordia brought many details on the events, and their testimonys have escape in the Italian press.

The commander wanted “to show what it was able”

If one believes testimonys of them, of the general opinion, the 52 year old commander, entered in 2002 at like person in charge of safety and promoted ordering in 2006, was a “breakage-neck”. And it would seem that, the evening of January 13, he wanted to set a challenge by passing very close to the island of Giglio. “He wanted to show what he was able”, explains one of the officers. It is him which would have required of the officer of the watch to do lot of mileage “of accosting of the island”, with a course with the 278° which brought the ship to 0.5 thousand of the coast. On arrival near the island, the commander would be ridden to the footbridge and would have asked to take the operation, passing the bar manually, owes the officers present and obviously jellyfishes.
21:42, impact. According to testimonys, the first reflex of the commander is to contact the control unit of the fleet of Costa. Its officers surround it and ask him what it is necessary to do. He does not answer immediately, not absorbed by his call to the company. Costa confirmed this telephone call, specifying that the commander had announced “a serious problem on board but which it minimized the problem by saying that it could be left there”. An emergency procedure is started by the company with 22:05. The commander then orders with his second to go to the engine room. This one there goes and recalls, thrown into a panic, the footbridge, by saying that it has “water to the neck” and that nothing any more functions, that the generators are flooded, that the electrical circuits are out of use and that the pumps are inoperative.
This moment, all expect an order of evacuation on behalf of the commander. Who is always on the telephone, apparently called by one as of his former commanders, resident of Giglio and who would have been warned by the mayor of the island of the situation of Costa Concordia. The commander does not answer his officers, nor with his second who, while running in the gangways realizes of the gravity of the situation.
Helps prevented by the passengers
22:07, the harbour office of Leghorn, which coordinates the helps of the zone, is prevented. But not by the commander. They are the gendarmes, warned by the family which received a telephone call thrown into a panic of momentary being on the bridge with her life jacket, which called the coastguards. Incredible scenario in which it is the harbour office which is obliged to call the ship. “Us immediately called them. They said to us that it was about a blackout and that they managed the situation”. The shift leader of the harbour office finds the position of the ship, sees that it is too much close to the island, insists near his chief so that one sends helps nevertheless. The chief of operation of the harbour office takes the things in hand.
22:30, still not of order of evacuation of the ship. The officers would have rebelled. They would have pressed the commander to make evacuate the ship, whereas this one was, always seems it on the telephone. A mutiny would then have burst and all would have decided that they would answer henceforth the orders of the second in command. This one would have immediately decided evacuation of the ship, which, meanwhile, took lodging enormously, complicating of as much the setting with the water of the launches. He is 22:58. One of the officers would have entrusted, depity, that “during the first forty minutes after the impact, the ship was right, one could have launched the launches on the two sides, the evacuation would have been much easier”.
A conversation confusing between the commander and the helps
1:26, the helps are with work. The harbour office of Leghorn mobilized the large means: six helicopters, twelve inflatable boats, five high-speed motorboats, of the tug boats installed of Civitavecchia and Leghorn. The chief of operation of the harbour office Gregorio De Falco ends up having the commander of Concordia on the telephone. This one is already on a launch, obviously with other officers. Is followed from there a surrealist conversation, whose soundtrack was diffused by the site of the Italian daily newspaper Reppublica. The officer who coordinates the operations in Leghorn clearly suspects Francesco Schettino of having left his ship and to be itself put at the shelter, whereas there are still people who evacuate the steamer. Either by launches, but with cords on the side port side of the ship, which is then lying (as one can see it on the infra-red images). De Falco enjoint in Schettino to turn over on officer but Concordia board, pointed out seems it towards 1:46, is always on a lifeboat with its second. He explains why he fell to water when the ship capsized and that, not having the possibility of going back to edge, affirms that he coordinates the operations since this boat.

It's perhaps interesting to note that it was the coast guard who called the captain and not the other way round. The coast guard had been alerted by a relative of a passenger who had called by cell phone.

Erik C

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21 Nov 2010
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E=1/2 mv2 = 1/2 * 100,000,000*(225-36)*1852=17501,400,000,000 J or about 17000 GJ.

Assuming the ship slowed down from 15 to 6 knots (squared 225-36), 1852 is mile to meter.

Could you translate that in something I can understand?? How much is 17000GJ