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13 Feb 2003
South Coast
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Thanks for your points and I am very sorry to learn that you will be moving away from Shamrock Quay. Not what we want at all! Also thank you for your kind words about the service and staff at SQ and SW.

The point you make about direct debit installments for annual berthing being spread over 8 months, as opposed to the full berthing year, has for some time been a topic of much debate within MDL. As you know, the berthing year commences on the 1st April with a final monthly DD installment being paid by November. By extending payments to 12 months it would be too tempting for some customers to simply walk away at the end of the summer season and take up cheaper winter storage options elsewhere. Obviously summer monthly berthing charges carry a premium compared to pro-rata the annual rate. With eight installments, one month’s annual DD payment is more or less equivalent to one month’s summer charges based on the monthly rate. I am open to offers if you can think of a way we might get round this problem but it is not an easy one to solve. However you look at it, we need some form of payment up front in order to obtain the full annual berthing fee before winter sets in. Look forward to any thoughts you may have...

Jon Eads
General Manager - MDL

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30 May 2001
Upper Thames
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My insurance with Knox Johnson is approx £200 per year and they offer me a Direct Debit scheme which they have farmed out to a Third party finance company.

The third party I am sure takes the risk and presumably does some kind of credit check first.

Can MDL not do the same and offer this via a Third Party?

The other alternative open to you is to offer the 12months Direct Debit, but if the boatowner goes for this, they forfeit the clause about being able to leave halfway through the year and getting their money back ie they are liable for the whole year.

This is what I had in my previous mooring before MDL (not a million miles from Bray) and seemed to work fine - the owner of that marina was happy to offer this (at 0% Interest!!!) as they would rather have people paying and not have to chase it in court.


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