Contessa 32 v Rival 34


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23 Dec 2004
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Re: Contessa 32 v Rival 34 - THANKYOU!

What about the S&S34? Bigger than a Contessa and faster than a Rival 34. I cruised an S&S34 for six years and we got on very well - a beautiful, fast and extremely seaworthy boat and - in my opinion - greatly undervalued.


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19 Feb 2004
Costa Del Sol - Spain
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Hi there!

We were looking for a liveaboard with a good rep too last year. We considered both the boats you are looking at, but have you ever been inside them!! We thought they were just what we were looking for until we viewed their interiors! Swing a cat - you'd be lucky to swing a hamster!!

Anyway, after deciding that we'd have to go for something bigger, we viewed hallberg rassy 36 and a few others, but eventually ended up with a Colvic Countess 33.

Our Countess is lovely. The Colvic Countess is only 33 feet 10.05m but they are SO SO spacious!! We looked at boats for 14 months, viewing loads in that time between 31 and 38 feet, and the Countess was by far the most spacious and practical of all the models. Not only that, it has a good rep, a great ballast ratio, long fin keel camparable if not better than the rival shape, and handles like a dream at dead slow speeds in the marina! We short hand sail her too!

Accomodation wise, they have a walk through aft cabin that is massive - also means you don't have to make up your bed every night, and gives a seperate room for having a nap, getting away from what's happening on deck. Gorgeous centre cockpit protects you from the waves and breaks over the stern in stead of swamping you. They come in ketch and sloop rigs, our's is a ketch because sail size is better for little me!

Just an idea but we liveaboard and never find ourselves under each others feet, as I feel we would have done in many others. Everybody gees up their own boat, but belive me, we viewed and researched LOADS and found the Countess to be a lovely range.

If you need any information or pictures if what I have said tickles your fancy, I can send you keel profiles and interior layout pictures of ours, even if it just to give you an idea. There is also a club page, although not great, and I know where there are a few for sale or to view in the UK- one particular cracker if she is still on the market!

Up to you, but feel free to pick my brains even if you don't end up falling for the model /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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4 Dec 2004
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Hello little you,

Thanks for the info, and the offer of more info! I'll have a look at the Countess as it could be an option, I particularly like the idea of an aft cabin. I agree that the Rival, and particularly the Contessa DO have limited accomodation, I've been looking at both... Lucky for me I don't own a cat or a hampster! Where have you been on your travels? How long have you lived on board?

At the moment I'm swaying towards the Rival, ok the accomodation is limited, but for me (and this is very subjective), other qualities outway the disadvatgaes. I think I need to try it and see if it works for me.

Thanks once again to everyone who has replied. All of this information is proving to be very usefull... My search continues!



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19 Feb 2004
Costa Del Sol - Spain
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We've lived aboard about eight months and cruising wise have been taking it fairly easy. The Countess model has got an atlantic plus rep if that helps at all!

I must say, we looked at most of the boats people have been recommending to you. The westerlys are a nice spacious lot but we weren't that keen on the finish(not offending any one, it was only personal preference). We found the colvic really fitted the bill for us and you could probably wangle one for your budget. We viewed the S&S as well and although they had more space, dipped out on that one too.

Another consideration might be a Trident. They do a Warrior - centre cockpit, Challenger - aft cockpit and a pilot house one I can't remember the name of too! They have a lovely shaped keel and a massive following. You could find quite a bit on the owners site. Also a boat that has been all over the place, good ballast ratio and an even more substantial keel depth wise than the rival or contessa. Definately within your budget and although not as spacious as the countess, probably worth a look cos bit more room than the rival or contessa.

Again, just something we looked at so thought I'd share our experience, cos its a big market with so many options out there!

(If it helps, after 14 months of looking at other boats and then buying our Countess, we haven't once seen a boat that we wish we'd rather bought! If anyone else wants any pics or stats on the Countess feel free to mail us!)

We'll all be following what you end up with so don't forget to let us all know!


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24 Feb 2005
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Re: Contessa 32 v Rival 34 - THANKYOU!

If this is posted incorrectly I apolgise do you sail either one of the boats you listed as I am considering the westerly 33.


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30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Re: Contessa 32 v Rival 34 - THANKYOU!

We owned a Westerly 33 for 14 years. They are excellent seaboats as well as being comfortable and spacious for their size for liveaboard use. Many of them have sailed transatlantic and several completed round the world voyages, one at least via Cape Horn with a crew of youngsters on board (Dodo's Delight).