My darling family have just bought me a very nice Furuno 32 GPS and a NASA Clipper cockpit repeater display as a mark of my passing into real middle age. I spent last night with the instruction/installation manuals for the two trying to work out how to get them to talk to each other. There is a lack of clarity, which may well be as a result of my ignorance, about how to do it. The Clipper suggests plugging the line into a plug from the main unit, but the Furuno does not have an out put plug, instead it has about seven wires, two of which are described as data out, do I just connect one of the data out wires to the similarly coloured data in wire on the repeater, or do I need to fit an appropriate plug onto the set of wires from the Furuno that will mate up with the input plug to the Clipper unit?
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