Probably the Marianne Faithfull Appreciation Society, doing a mass re-enactment of <A target="_blank" HREF=>a famous urban myth from her youth</A>...................
<hr width=100% size=1>Je suis Marxiste - tendance Groucho
A few years ago while visiting Hellevoitsluis in Holland, I met this water-gypsy type who'd just brought his yacht back from the West Indies and was 'doing it up' on the hard. I lent him some tools and later suggested we eat together. If I made the food, he would provide the drink, he proposed. Rum, Eclipse, my favourite brand. "How much did you bring back?" I asked. "72". Must have been a language barrier, because it wasn't until I got aboard his yacht with the food I realised he'd meant 72 cases. The yacht was groaning under the weight, there was absolutely no room inside, he'd slept in the cockpit or where he'd drunk the space around the chart table, all the way back.
All for personal consumption. We made a pretty emphatic dent in them that night, and I returned to England with a gift that lasted me over a year.
Ah \"The Mars Bar as an economic benchmark\" theory
It was once thought that the cost of a Mars Bar expressed in terms of how long the average worker needed to work to buy one stayed constant from 1950 until 1976. Unlike a bottle of scotch which has become several hundreds of percents cheaper by the same measure.
We all know though, don't we. that Mars Bars have gotten smaller over the years.
Steve Cronin
<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion