Cleopatra 23" Boat Query


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16 Nov 2004
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Cleopatra 23\" Boat Query

I have received conflicting opinions on a Cleopatra 23" and was wondering if anyone could advise me.

I'm very tempted to buy one of these boats locally that appears to be perfect for my needs and in very good condition. However, it's fitted with a 70hp outboard rather than a more normal inboard arrangement. On the one hand I've been told that this type of boat is unsuitable for coastal use, particularly with this engine arrangement, whilst another has recommended it as a very stable boat and more than capable of coastal cruising.

Can anyone advise me further

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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Re: Cleopatra 23\" Boat Query

Apart from the age implications there is nothing wrong with the ability of this boat at sea. Indeed one of the versions originally sold was called a "Sea Angler" and had a smaller cabin/ enlarged cockpit plus a wheel shelter roof.
I have a feeling that most originally had VP petrol outdrives of around 130hp, mainly singles, with a few having perkins 4107 or 8 diesels. The latter were displacement speed only.

Nice looking boats, not especially well made, but fine for the price.

Don't remember seeing any outboard versions, but possibly adapted by someone buying the mould tools after the original builders packed up. Don't see why an outboard set up should be any less suitable than inboard so long as you are aware of fuel consumption etc.

Think contributor Forbsie may own one of these.

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Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
Re: Cleopatra 23" Boat Query

There's an occasional poster on here called Dave Knowles, who runs the <A target="_blank" HREF=>My Cleopatra</A> website and who uses his Cleopatra 700 in the Solent, with no apparent ill effects. Try a question on the forum on his site as well, but I'd have thought you'd be fine.

Cleopatras are all getting a bit long in the tooth now, but they were well designed and well built boats. Outboard powered model is a bit unusual, but nothing to particularly worry about, I'd say.

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New member
30 May 2001
Poole, Dorset. UK
Re: Cleopatra 23\" Boat Query

They were always considered good sea boats. Never seen one with an outboard though. Would expect the 70hp outboard to give about 14 knots.
A neighbour of mine has one, which over the years has had the engine change from a BMC diesel to a Ford Transit diesel and now has a new Volbo 180 hp turbo diesel and duo prop, giving about 28 knots. He uses his for sea fishing going well out into the channel from Poole.

<hr width=100% size=1>Brian