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Hi there is no shortcuts on the D4 as there is no room to extract the Allen head bolts there about 8 inches long . Remove the whole assembly and do it properly as a good engineer would.The problem with the D4 is that there isn't much room between the back of the oil cooler and the HP pump, so its very cramped, also the end cap on the oil cooler is held on by a mixture of bolts and pin bolts with nuts which don't give you enough room to pull the oil cooler housing off the back off the heat exchanger. Its a while since I last did a D4 and I ended up taking the whole oil filter table off which then gives more room to work. That requires quite a few assorted O rings in itself. Maybe Volvopaul knows of a short cut but its definitely easier on a D6 as its a longer block so more room between oil cooler and other engine components.