Circumnavigate with 26' sail yacht?


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31 Aug 2002
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Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

Hi all!
I need some help. I am 21 and I plane to sail alway after 3 years. I want to buy the yacht this year, but I am a little confused about what to buy. I have around 10000 - 12000 Euro. I can buy Beneteau First 26' which was build 1988, or I can look for a bigger boat around 30', but much older and maybe made from someone at home. What will you advise me? Is 26' too small. Will I get the permission to pass an ocean with such a little boat?

I really need help?
16 May 2001
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

"Permission" is not needed unless your own country requires it.

The Beneteau is possibly too lightly built. If you can get something stronger it does not matter that it is older. You want something that will survive really bad weather yet still be able to get through big waves. A boat of 30 feet would be better in this respect. Also such a boat will have been designed and build by someone thinking ot it being used in heavier weather than the First26 which was designed for use as a cruiser/racer.

Whatever you choose make sure that everything is strong. Read books on the subject. Larry Pardy and his wife Lyn have been cruising around the world for many years on a 30 foot boat. My next-door neighbours are currently cruising South America in a Beneteau Evasion 34 which they spent five years preparing for the trip.

Steve Cronin


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

You don't need permission, many boats of this size have circumnavigated! and smaller! Remember a secondhand boat will come with a lot of gear(hopefully) look at those first, good luck with your dream, go for it!


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14 Jun 2001
Aberdeen, UK
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

Tania Aebi sailed round the world in a Contessa 26 and lived to write up the tale as "Maiden Voyage". You might be interested in finding a copy, and also maybe a Contessa 26! A much sturdier boat than the Beneteau, probably also much happier to sail herself in heavy weather. They're available secondhand for not much more than your suggested budget - around £10000.


<B><A HREF="">Sailing a Corribee in Plymouth</A>


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26 Feb 2002
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

Consider buying a boat in the US, Canada or Australia. I know you wanted to buy soon and head off in a few years, but boat prices, especially on the west coast of America are generally much lower than here in Northern Europe.

Good luck!


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16 May 2001
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

I presume you are intending to sail singlehanded? If not then you'll probably find 26' a bit small.

As others have mentioned the right 26'er will go anywhere, and at least two Contessa 26s have circumnavigated. However the Beneteau First 26 does not really fit into the same category - it is primarily a racer and so will be harder work and less safe than a heavier cruising boat.

Co26s have a very good reputation, and their prices are inflated because if it, but you could probably still find one in you price-range. There will also be other very similar boats that are less well known (and therefore cheaper) that will be just as good.

In cruising terms if you want to compare boats according to just one parameter - use the displacement; for a given LWL the greater the displacement the steadier the boat.


Look for something stronger

Look for a stronger boat than the B 26 .....

Many of the older boats may not be 'volume-jobs' but they are generally heavier lay-ups and can take a bit more punishment ... a light cruiser-racer like you suggest is a statistic waiting to happen !! Remember they were designed for at the most a swift cross of the channel and thats it !!

Look around club yards, boat-yards, talk to people in clubs / yards etc. etc. and then make a choice ...... you will be amazed at the range and difference of the boats, as well as what gear you get with it !


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23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

'Permission' as you put it depends on what country your boat is registered in. Here in Italy, for instance, you can sail a boat up to 10 metres and/or a certain amount of horsepower without a skipper's certificate but only within 6 miles of the coast. There are other rules, too. However, if you were to sail, from Ventimiglia, say, to Menton and then hotfoot it to Gibraltar, who's to stop you?
I'd be a teeny bit cautious about setting off across the ocean until I had a little experience under my belt if I were you, especially with a newly acquired boat.
If I were you, in choosing a boat, I'd have a look at some in the company of an experienced owner - it's amazing what is obvious to the one and invisible to the other! I did this, and am extremely relieved to have done so.
If you are in France (as I suspect), how about the good old Ecume de Mer, an old, proven design and well built. You should find a good one for Euro 10-12K.
Bon vent!



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19 Mar 2002
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go for it, !

I agree with most of what's been said.
I also think the Beneteau might not be what you want.

It really does depend on how well a boat is built,
not how much space there is inside.

I think a well built lighter boat will be just as safe
and more FUN in the long run
(how much longer than around the world can you get,eh?)
apart from the rare heavy stuff
you will encounter lots of light winds.

I am a recent convert to lighter boats
through my 11,000 mile open Pacific Ocean trip
my 22-ft, ex 1/4 ton racer 'Spatz'(S&S built 1973)
I would not have hesitated to take that boat around the world solo
by the Trade-wind route.

The best place to buy a sailboat I believe is Florida
(Miami, Ft. Lauderdale)
- incredible quantities on offer - therefore low prices,
followed by the West Coast of the US
check into Francisco) for price ideas.
No skipper's license needed on your own boat in the US.

I completely agree with:
Read and sail as much as you can!

Best of luck!



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29 Apr 2002
andros bahamas
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

you might also look atthe ecume de mer, and the ufo, like one of the other posts said, light is right, the trouble(i found) with a lot of the cruising books is they are ten to twenty years old, and bear little relevance to today. e.g you do not need to carry spare injectors, chain , rigging wire etc, because the world is alot smaller now than ten years ago, pick up the phone, get on the web order what you need with your visa card, and ups, fedex, dhl bring it to you, the places where you can't get what you need are getting fewer and fewer. the lighter the boat the faster she is, on a transat a quarter knot will save you four days at least, less time at sea less chance of being exposed to bad weather!!!! purely my own personal opinion but i think its the way to go.......keith


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31 Aug 2002
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

I have no words to thank to you! I am so excited receiving so much and helpful advices. You are becoming my best friends!
I understand the difference between Beneteau 26 and Contessa 26. Now I will start looking for something stronger that Beneteau! 10x
I know that the cheapest yachts are in USA, but I think it will be better to buy a yacht in EUROPE for $15 000 than in USA for $10 000. I live in Bulgaria and the bus ticket to evry of the EU countries is arount $100 - $200. The ticket to US is $1000. And I need a visa (for USA)which after Sep 11 is a problem.
So if someone knows addresses, websites or e-mails of yacht brokers in Europe, please give it!
Which is the best country to buy yacht in Europe? Is it France, Germany or North Europe?
Thank you for the replys. I am happyer than ever with them!


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14 Dec 2001
UK East Coast
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

The greatest problem with a small boat is movement. The constant movement is incredibly wearing on a long journey/ocean passage and you therefore need a boat that reduces this to a minimum.

Any fin keeled boat is a difficult beast in running down tradewinds. You have to be constantly alert to prevent it from running out of track and gybing/ broaching.

Also the length/period of the waves in the open ocean are quite different to that near shore. Most smaller boats fall between the waves and are constantly brought to a standstill.

Go for an older boat with an encapsulated ballast in its keel and a length of 31/32 feet. No you won't be planing down the face of a trade wind sea in it but you will get to the other side in one piece and having had some sleep.


Well-known member
23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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Re: Circumnavigate with 26\' sail yacht?

Re. countries for buying boats. I've no direct experience of northern Europe, but I can tell you that the market is small and sluggish in Italy (which is a shame as you can get here quite quickly from Bulgaria). Having said that, the towns that are more 'raggie' than 'stinkie' oriented (ie where people sail rather than motor) are Trieste and between Livorno and Genoa. Try these websites out:

and there's a general classified ads magazine for Trieste including boats at

Obviously, these are private sales, not brokers.

I suspect you'd find more choice in France, though... and they're more geared to selling through the net there too.

Good luck and let us know!


Aegean / Med sea boats ??

But surely there are many Aegean / Med Sea boats available ?? Ex Charter and so on .....

Many are modern / older and also some that european owners do not want the hassle of sailing back to Uk etc.