chichester wash-again


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14 Mar 2002
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I see the HM now has his own posting in Chimet. Its a busy w-e with two s-c regattas and we re all asked to watch our speed and wash.Absolutely will do, probably because we re going to have to spend most of the w-e at dead stop in an attempt to give way to 30kt dinghies approacing from all 360 degrees.... Best get out to sea early.

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14 Apr 2003
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We run out of Dell quay, the whole w/e is wasted for anyone not belonging to a sailing club, and owns a dinghie.They have taken up all the water and there trailers litter the (PUBLIC???)HARD.iT WOULD NOT BE SO BAD IF THEY LEARNT MANNERS ALONG WITH THEIR OWN VERSION OF REGULATIONS.

I have posted about this before and written to the Harbourmaster"no reply"
I did speak to a friend who belongs to Chichester Yatch club who says they sign an agreement not to interfere with motorboats using the channel out of the marina, obviously thats another rule they do not have to abide by.

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New member
16 Apr 2003
West Sussex- Chichester
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HA ha Bloody ah........

Left Saturday late morning lost count the number of rag & sticks that aimed and tried to run striaght in to my bow.... SWMBO even ended up shouting at a couple as I had no option but to goi hard astern to avoid a couple of stupid ******************************************************************************S let alone the number of these long things that we saw hit other rag & sticks as the tacked up the channel.... I know we have to try and get along but really they do take the p**s sometimes, and before I offend all raggies reading this post it not all of them, but really it cuts both ways, if you try and cut across the bow of a motorboat doing the speed limit please make sure you can do it without causing any knock on effects to the mobo or the other boats behind...

MY last rant for the weekned which was near perfect except for these, was to say that on my return to chi on sat night whay to the raggies always shout slow down when SWMBO was helming up the channel witha reading on the GPS and tach of 5-6 knots when the limit is 8. My wash was not that bad, so in response to these as SWMBO ended replying to one such coment get a life or shut up.

Perfect weekend though

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I just don't understand what these people are thinking about. Chi harbour is vast, the channel is obvious and continiously used. I would have thought it would have been sensible (and safer) to keep the dinghies away from it (and the moorings which make them invisible to passing traffic untill the last moment).

I have even seen them using the "Red and Greens" as turning points

"... keep looking sideways at the sail, it's our right of way, press on, go about, fall in", unfortunately that 20 ton boat is going hard astern to avoid your mate who is doing the same thing from the other side....

I just wonder how long before someone gets hurt.


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