I've found an internet company "CraftInsure.com" that will do a fully comp non tidal policy for £50.
Can't say much fairer than that.
Thanks all for your suggestions.
There used to be a company that advertised in the boating press called The Basic Liability Co. They offered basic 3rd party cover for stupidly low prices. Sorry haven't got the number, but do a google thing and it should come up with it
Wha'dya mean "I'm always playing with this engine" its the only way to get it to run!
Oh well. It was a thought. You could try Peter Bests in essex. They do very low insurance deals. They quoted me £224 on my Porsche fully comp and £165 fully comp on the Range Rover. I was going to move the boat insurance to them this year, but GJW did a deal that couldn't be refused. It might also be worth giving them a call too!
Wha'dya mean "I'm always playing with this engine" its the only way to get it to run!