Going to Corfu at the begining of may to crew on a friends boat. Looking for the cheapest flights....anybody got any good sites?
Thanks in anticipation.
Hi dont know any site..but if Im going to the islands I book a very last min holiday and use flight only transfers inc...if not book early like now with ezejet and then transfer..but i think this way is xpensiv..however have a good time..
Nearly all the flights to Corfu are charter. So the best bet is Brittania (Thomson hols), Air 2000 etc. I've heard that Greece is likely to have a bit of an overcapacity problem this season (along with Turkey) so flights shouldn't be difficult to get. If you're flexible on the exact date, its best to leave it as late to your intended departure date as possible and you dare, before seeking a price.
Telephone places like thomson direct is normally quicker than the web version.