21 Mar 2004 #1 C cool_running New member Joined 27 Nov 2003 Messages 108 Location Arctic Circle,Northern Norway Visit site What do you use on your chart plotter......True or Mag for course bearings? <hr width=100% size=1>
21 Mar 2004 #2 kindredspirit Well-known member Joined 28 Nov 2002 Messages 1,534 Location Boat: Kilrush. www.begleys.com True. . <hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.begleys.com/kevin/weather.htm>Weather & other useful links for Irish waters.</A>
True. . <hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.begleys.com/kevin/weather.htm>Weather & other useful links for Irish waters.</A>
21 Mar 2004 #3 sailorman Well-known member Joined 21 May 2003 Messages 78,884 Location Here or thertemp ashore Visit site everything true, my maths r crap <hr width=100% size=1>
26 Mar 2004 #4 B Boating_Buoys New member Joined 24 Feb 2004 Messages 51 Location London Visit site I think it depends on whether it is visable from the helm. If the helm is using the boats compass (and not the GPS) to steer the boats direction then it's best to alter it to mag (and ignore the deviation) My GPS is at the helm and I use it as 'the bats compass' and ignore the traditional one fitted. In this instance it's best to have it set to true. <hr width=100% size=1>
I think it depends on whether it is visable from the helm. If the helm is using the boats compass (and not the GPS) to steer the boats direction then it's best to alter it to mag (and ignore the deviation) My GPS is at the helm and I use it as 'the bats compass' and ignore the traditional one fitted. In this instance it's best to have it set to true. <hr width=100% size=1>
26 Mar 2004 #5 B Baltimore_Bill New member Joined 30 Apr 2002 Messages 57 Location Country: UK County: Hampshire State: Drunk most of Visit site Magnetic minus 5 degrees Chartplotter is right by the steering compass and causes some deviation. <hr width=100% size=1>
Magnetic minus 5 degrees Chartplotter is right by the steering compass and causes some deviation. <hr width=100% size=1>