Active member
Has anyone actually ever used this to positive effect? Tried it on Fri eve, no joy:
En route P'mouth to B'bridge worried about small tanker leaving solent between forts..... is he gonna pass ahead ot astern?...... F4 on the beam, going like a train with a big quartering swell
5 mins to collision unless somethign changes.... no obvious reason why he shouldn't touch it under my stern..... but no indication he will
4 mins to collision..... before turning onto a dead run and running parallel until he overtakes me decide to try Ch13....... "black tanker leaving eastern solent between the forts I am the white sailing yacht off your port bow, can you please confirm your intentions or wishes?"...... nothing
3mins to collision still no change.... try ch12 in case he's still tuned into VTS.... nothing......
2:30mins to collision ready to take action, but still no indication of change, no warning blast from tanker, intentions still unclear
2:00mins to collision simply turn left onto dead run.... goose-wing for 2 mins of roller-coaster ride whilst tanker slowly overtakes us... turn right back onto orignal course under his stern.
No drama but no real joy out of ch13 either? Never really expected it but thought it was worth a try before taking the usual steps. Definitely not a ch16 siutation as I was in full control etc.
Any thoughts?
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En route P'mouth to B'bridge worried about small tanker leaving solent between forts..... is he gonna pass ahead ot astern?...... F4 on the beam, going like a train with a big quartering swell
5 mins to collision unless somethign changes.... no obvious reason why he shouldn't touch it under my stern..... but no indication he will
4 mins to collision..... before turning onto a dead run and running parallel until he overtakes me decide to try Ch13....... "black tanker leaving eastern solent between the forts I am the white sailing yacht off your port bow, can you please confirm your intentions or wishes?"...... nothing
3mins to collision still no change.... try ch12 in case he's still tuned into VTS.... nothing......
2:30mins to collision ready to take action, but still no indication of change, no warning blast from tanker, intentions still unclear
2:00mins to collision simply turn left onto dead run.... goose-wing for 2 mins of roller-coaster ride whilst tanker slowly overtakes us... turn right back onto orignal course under his stern.
No drama but no real joy out of ch13 either? Never really expected it but thought it was worth a try before taking the usual steps. Definitely not a ch16 siutation as I was in full control etc.
Any thoughts?
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