Nul besoin de s´appeler Tabarly ou Arthaud pour faire du bateau de plaisance. Quelques heures de navigation par jour, ce n´est pas la transat en solitaire. Une courte période d´initiation pour apprendre à s´amarrer ou passer les écluses et vous voilà prêt à piloter. Des professionnels de la navigation fluviale vous expliqueront les manoeuvres élémentaires.
Faut-il un permis spécial pour pratiquer la navigation de plaisance?
Si vous louez un bateau, il n’est pas besoin de permis ni en France, ni à l’étranger. En revanche, tout propriétaire d'un bâteau de plus de 5 mètres doit posséder un certificat de capacité (permis). Il existe trois sortes de permis différents en fonction du taux de motorisation du bâteau. Voici la formule de calcul de ce taux (t) :
t = 2,6 * P / L²
où 2,6 est un coefficient invariable, P la puissance du moteur en chevaux et L la longueur du bâteau.
Si L < 15 mètres et t < 1
il faut le certificat de capacité C (coche de plaisance)
épreuve théorique à passer
le candidat doit avoir 16 ans révolus.
Si t > 1
il faut le certificat de capacité S (sport)
épreuves théorique et pratique à passer
le candidat doit avoir 16 ans révolus.
Si L > 15 mètres et t < 1
il faut le certificat de capacité PP (péniche de plaisance)
épreuves théorique et pratique à passer
le candidat doit avoir 18 ans révolus.
Comment passer le certificat de capacité ?
- Soit en s'adressant à un bâteau-école qui prépare aux épreuves théorique et pratique et inscrit le candidat auprès de la Commission de surveillance pour le passage de l'examen,
- Soit en candidat libre, ce qui suppose de se former soi-même à la théorie et à la pratique et de s'inscrire directement auprès de la Commission de surveillance pour passer les épreuves.
Les candidats possédant déjà le permis mer sont dispensés de l'épreuve pratique.
here is the translation using an online service, could need clarifying a bit?
Any need of s´appeler Tabarly or Arthaud to go sailing plaisance. Some hours of navigation a day, this n´est not the chair in solitary. A short period d´initiation to learn to s´amarrer or pass the écluses and here you are ready to pilot. Professionals of river navigation you will explain the elementary maneuvers.
Allowed. It is necessary a special permit to practice the navigation of plaisance? If you rent a boat, it n’est not permit need or in France, or to l’étranger. On the other hand, all owner of a bâteau of more one than 5 meters must possess a capacity certificate (allowed). It exists three sorts of different permits according to the motorization rate of the bâteau. Here the calculation formula of this rate (t) :
T = 2,6 * P / L² where 2,6 east an invariable coefficient, P the power of the motor in horses and L the length of the bâteau.
If L <15 meters and t <1 it is necessary the capacity certificate C (notch of plaisance) theoretical test to p
ass the candidate must be 16 years old past.
If t> 1 it is necessary the capacity certificate S (sport) theoretical and practical tests to pass the
candidate must be 16 years old past.
If L> 15 meters and t <1 it is necessary the capacity certificate PAGES (barge of plaisance) theoretical and pr
actical tests to pass the candidate must be 18 years old past.
How pass the capacity certificate? - Be while addressing to itself a bâteau-école that prepares to the tests more theoretical and more practical and more registered the candidate with the supervision Commission for the passage of the examination, - Be in free candidate, this that supposes to form itself oneself even to the theory
and to the practice and to register itself directly with the supervision Commission to pass the tests.
The candidates already possessing it allowed sea are exemptd from test practices.
No need to be called Tabarly or Arthaud to make pleasure boat. A few hours of navigation per day, it is not the transatlantic race as a recluse. A short period of initiation to learn how to moor or pass to locks and here you are ready to control. Professionals of the river navigation will explain you the elementary operations. Licence. Does one need a special licence to practise the pleasure sailing? If you rent a boat, it n?est not need for licence neither in France, nor with l?étranger. On the other hand, any owner of a bâteau of more than 5 meters must have a certificate of competence (allowed). There are three kinds of licences different according to the vehicle ownership from the bâteau.
Here the formula of computation of this rate (t): T = 2,6 * P/L² where 2,6 is an invariable coefficient, P the engine output in horses and L the length of the bâteau. If L < 15 meters and T < 1 one needs the certificate of competence C (stage coach of pleasure) theoretical test to pass the candidate must be 16 years old completed. If T > 1 one needs the certificate of competence S (sport) tests theoretical and practical to pass the candidate must be 16 years old completed. If L > 15 meters and T < 1 one needs the certificate of competence PP (barge of pleasure) tests theoretical and practical to pass the candidate must be 18 years old completed. How to pass the certificate of competence? - Is while addressing itself to a bâteau-school which prepares with the tests theoretical and practical and registers the candidate attached to the Commission of monitoring for the passage of the examination, - Is as a free candidate, which supposes to be formed oneself with the theory and the practice and to be registered directly near the Commission of monitoring to pass the tests. The candidates having the licence sea already are exempted practical test. Territorial districts
No need to be called a Tabarly or an Arthaud to go pleasure boating. A few hours of sailing per day is not the equivalent of a solo Atlantic crossing. A short introduction to learn how to moor or to navigate locks and you are ready to handle the boat. River boating professionals will explain the elementary manoeuvres to you.
Does one need a special license to take part in pleasure boating?
If you rent a boat you do not need a license either in France or abroad. On the other hand, all owners of boats over 5 meters must possess a capacity certificate (license). (NB here they are talking inland navigation)
There are three types of license depending on the engine capacity (in relation to length):-
T = 2.6 * P / L² where 2.6 is an invariable coefficient, P the horse power of the motor and L the length of the boat (in metres).
If L <15 meters and t <1 it is necessary to pass certificate of capacity C (cruising pleasure boat) the candidate must be 16 years old or more to sit the theory test .
If t> 1 it is necessary to pass certificate of capacity S (sport pleasure boat) the candidate must be 16 years old or more to sit the theory test .
If L> 15 meters and t <1 it is necessary to pass certificate of capacity PAGES (barge pleasure boat) the candidate must be 18 years old or more to pass the theory and practical tests .
How to sit for the license? - Either by going through a boating school which prepares the candidate for the theory and practical tests and inscribes the candidate with the Supervision Commission for the taking of the examination, - or as a free candidate, which supposes he does his own training (theory and practice) and takes responsibility for his own inscription to the tests.
I have always been advised in the past that the definition of inland waters is effectively non coastal and that this could be interpreted as either non tidal - ie as you say above the first lock, or, 'away from the coast' and including estuaries.
I have always worked to the first definition but remained alive to the posibility that if 'something happened' and books started flying, I would be guilty of something!
It would be useful to hear form the RYA on the issue, especially as they seem to have got to grips with most of the European countries on the ICC now.
Simple answer is NO. The licence applies after you reach the first obstacle to navigation, i.e. lock and on the Seine you can go to Rouen before you need a licence.
Hornfleur is classed as a port and still on the mouth of the river.
Interesting definition.
Lots of boats visit Dinan, and at the other end La Roch Bernard without a CEVNI Cert.
I wonder if it is something more to do with VNF controlled waters than ‘obstacles’. I believe VNF don’t control the Rance or Vilane so licence’s not required.
I'm just going by the definition on the paper work received from VNF in Calais, which states that Inland waterways start after the first lock on the river or canal so in the case of Hornfleur it is still tidal/estuary waters and a CEVNI endorsement is not required.
I know that Hornfleur is behind a lock but so is another port further south towards Cherbourg...can't remember the name at the moment.
This would be a big presumption. I've certainly seen Gendarmes Marines in La Roche Bernard and in the Morbihan - they are v. friendly and all the rest - but if you upset them and you didn't have the right certificates? Don't risk it.