Centuar Vs MacWester 26


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9 May 2002
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I am thinking of changing my boat and want a relatively inexpensive bilge keel yahct with a good diesel engine, that will sail reasonably and have enough space for my wife and I to spend a week or two's holiday on. From a "desk study" the Centaur and macwester 26 look to be the favorites. Any points about the merits of each would be appreciated. It sounds like the macwester keels have GRP "feet" do these give problems - e.g. wearing out. Which one sails best ? ANy comments greatly appreciated.

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30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Both are capable boats. The Macwester 26 had a reputation for weather helm, eased on some by fitting a bowsprit, on others by shortening the foot of the mainsail. The originals mostly had Stuart Turner 2 stroke 10hp engines though most will have been replaced with diesels. There was also later a Macwester 27 made. The Centaur was a better sailer and most had very big diesels engines for their size at around 23-25hp, a few had the smaller 10hp. I would have thought the Macwester would be cheaper to buy, but fewer available. The Centaur holds its value well and there are many more about, you get what you pay for generally since the better ones command good prices even today. Price for price my personal choice would be the Centaur.

Among others to consider would be the Sabre 27 which is a very capable boat, mostly bilge keel though a few with fins.

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22 Oct 2001
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I have a Macwester 30 so I may be biased. Macwesters were very very strongly built. The keels are vertical and only suffer damage if they are allowed to dry out repeatedly on a hard surface, rocky or hard gravel. The feet can be fitted with shoes which is a fairly simple job.
Centuars have splayed keels and from what I understand many have had to be reinforced where the keels bond with the hull.
If you found a Macwester and a Centuar for the same money I sugest one critical feature would be how good the engine is and how old. Replacing an engine is likely to cost £3500 to £4500 maybe more, depending upon how much work you could do yourself. Have you looked at the Macwesters owners site to see what is for sale?
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.macwester.org>http://www.macwester.org</A>
there is also a centuar or westerly owners club but I don't know the address.
I am sure you will enjoy either boat. Where do you intend to sail it?
Good luck. Paul

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These two boats are both capable and strongly built.

The MW26 evolved into the 27 with shorter mainsail foot to counter weatherhelm and excessive leeway. The mast was increased in height to compensate. The Bilge keels are moulded with the hull and vertical ....

The Centaur is popular but higher priced. Its volume against length ratio is greater than the MW .... but then you get that Caravan look with a high cabin top.

Most nowadays will have had the normal done ..... both marques re-engined from the originals, Centaur keels re-bedded and strengthened ... (If not then BE careful of splayed keels ..)

There are other boats very similar and many cheaper than the Centaur, similarly priced to the MW ..... :

Snapdragon 26 .... 27 etc.
Sunrider 25 (which I have and I must reccomend ! it is said that they provided the inspiration for Colvic's)
Colvic 26 ...... (I think are better than Centaurs !! no keel problems and basically similar boat for less money !)
Searider 24 / 25
Searover 28
Sabre 27

It is not necessary to get stuck in the 'brokers' rut of standard offerings .....

Final word - Centaurs are very popular and tends to artificaily hold up excessive asking prices ....

At the end of the day - get the best you can and enjoy it .... I like both MW and Centaurs, but my choice would be the Colvic 26 or if you can go for it ... the 28.

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I came - cos they said was FREE Guinness !


Well-known member
20 Apr 2002
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PBO or Yachting Monthly did a write-up in the last couple of years on Mac 26, good / bad points and fitting a bowsprit, also did a comparison with Centuar and three other boats. Do a search on the mags, should answer your question


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