Looking at the subject pics of Lagoons. I see four vertical bolts through the plate at the step end of their compression posts.
Into what are those bolts threaded? Is there some big steel fitting embedded in the transverse bulkhead?
How is such a large steel beam bonded to ground?
Have you seen any OEM precautions or instructions about drilling the compression post to attach any gear to it?
Is it the same structurally as drilling and attaching things like winches to the mast above?
Into what are those bolts threaded? Is there some big steel fitting embedded in the transverse bulkhead?
How is such a large steel beam bonded to ground?
Have you seen any OEM precautions or instructions about drilling the compression post to attach any gear to it?
Is it the same structurally as drilling and attaching things like winches to the mast above?
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