Car Keys can Swim


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24 Jul 2003
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Last Saturday climbing on board, Plop, and out flipped my electronic car key and to the bottom it dove - ahhhhhhh, water is 3.5 to 4.5 metres deep. Got out a magnet with some fishing line and trawled for half an hour but no luck - I was pretty sure no magnetic bits so gave up.

So Monday Mrs MainlySteam went in and got another key (I was away)- equivalent of GBP180 for an OEM replacement one /forums/images/icons/crazy.gif, but she managed to get a non-OEM one for about half that. Thursday night got back to the boat and I decided to have another trawl, this time with a treble hook (fishing type) on some nylon fishing line with a ball sinker about 250mm up the line.

Much to my, Mrs MainlySteam's and the bemused onlookers' surprise about the 3rd drag up from 4 metres down came a starfish (good news as they live on hard bottoms) and about the 6th drag up came the key hooked through its ring/forums/images/icons/smile.gif.

After the salt was rinsed off the outside in fresh water I dried the key and disassembled it, expecting to be met with a flood. Inside the module with the electronic security gubbins and push buttons in it was, to my surprise, completely dry inside - it clipping together onto a soft gasket. Off up to the car to test it - worked perfectly.

So, we have a pretty ordinary car maker (Honda) who can make electronic keys with pushbuttons which can stay 4 metres down for 5 days without letting water in, but some marine instruments cannot stand the rain (although often their problems are due to incorrect installation). And, if you send a modern electronic security type car key swiming it may likely survive the trip without a lifejacket, and a weighted treble hook may be the key to recovering it.


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1 Mar 2004
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OK John, here's another marine enigma.

How is it that through-hull impellor makers can't use a plastic that contains an antifoul, but plastic tank makers can't make tanks that don't taste foul?

ps How was your trip - write up expected? Oh - you beat me, it's on the mobo bit!

<hr width=100% size=1>my opinion is complete rubbish, probably.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by boatless on 28/05/2004 10:52 (server time).</FONT></P>


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18 Nov 2001
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If only ...

... you'd been around a wee while ago. just above the wreck of that car transporter with all those expensive cars in it .... tricolour was its name .. we'd have made our fortunes, laddie .....

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Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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Re: If only ...

An' whit wid ye hae dane wi' a pile o' car keys fan the cars were still oan ra bottom o' the sea, tell me??

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New member
24 Jul 2003
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Re: If only ...

And I wonder what is lurking on the bottom of the marina beside all the boats waiting to be hooked up - rings, watches, crown jewels maybe even? On a quiet dark night, if you hear a teeny splash, 'tis just me "fishing".


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