Car ends up in Port Solent Marina


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12 Sep 2001
Home - Southampton, Boat - Gosport
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Mine puts it in P and engages the parking brake if the driver's door is opened
is that a feature or a fault ??
To my mind, it's a fault. If someone opens my door at a traffic light, I want to be able to exit stage left PDQ. My car contents itself with an irritated - and irritating - beep beep beep.

As for how the car got there, I wonder if it was iPhone assisted?

Lucky Duck

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9 Jun 2009
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If somebody tries to open the door at a traffic light they will find it locked unless for some reason I have driven more than a mile at less than 5 mph

Edit - I think the seat belt also needs to have been unbuckled so even if the doors were open the assailant would be pretty much in the car by then.
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An old blonde joke about buying an automatic car.

A blonde buys a new atuomatic car for the first time. After being shown how easy it is to drive, she takes the keys and heads off home. That night she tries to go for a drive but for the life of her can get it to move. She phones up the garage the next morning and complains. The salesmen says that everything was working when she left and the blonde agrees, but that the car will not work at night. Salesman asks the blonde, is it working now, and she says yes, perfectly, just like yesterday. He asks the blonde to explain exactly what she is doing at night. Blond says, well when I left the garage yesterday, as instructed I selected D, the car moves just fine, but at night when I select N, it doesn't move.


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16 May 2001
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My Mercedes automatically changes to P when I open the driver door - so in fact I virtually never put the transmission into P myself.

My wife's Golf doesn't and there was one occasion when I discovered I had stepped out of the car leaving it in D (with the handbrake on) while going to press a button to release the barrier. Luckily in a 1.4 Golf the handbrake wins over the engine - wouldn't work that way in an M4


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20 Apr 2002
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Not a totally new problem, two Sealne 365's have been sunk due to cars landing in the cockpit, and both were the rare triple engine option, so beware if you buy one were you park it.
