Calculator for angles expressed as decimal minutes?


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4 Jun 2007
Home: North West, Boat: The Clyde
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Most calculators can format time in hr, min, sec. Also angles in deg, min, sec. Does anyone know either how to change the format of a Casio to add and subtract using decimal minutes (not seconds), or alternatively, a calculator that can work in deg, min, decimal min format?

Many thanks


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4 Jun 2007
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There is ar least one phone app that does what you want. Had to use it for Ocean course students but can't remember app title.
That’s helpful, thanks. I’m doing an ocean course shortly and one of the students tells me that he’s dyslexic and struggles with mental arithmetic.

It would be even more helpful if you could cast your mind back and remember the Ap in question ? Please ?


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21 Jun 2004
I have a Casio scientific calculator and it accepts angles expressed as 25"36.2594. (It converts that expression to 25"36"15.56"). It is equally happy with the same angle input as 25"36"16".


Well-known member
4 Jun 2007
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Thanks @DJE , I also have a Casio calculator that accepts an entry in both deg, min, sec and deg, min, decimal min format.

But, big but, it will not give an add or subtract answer in the deg,min,decimal min format. (Or at least I haven’t as yet found how to do it).

It gives the answer in deg, min, sec or will scroll to the deg, decimal degree format which is not what I want.

Deg, min, decimal min is the common use form within the sight reduction process. I’m trying to find a calculator or App to help someone who struggles with this as mental arithmetic.


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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That’s helpful, thanks. I’m doing an ocean course shortly and one of the students tells me that he’s dyslexic and struggles with mental arithmetic.

It would be even more helpful if you could cast your mind back and remember the Ap in question ? Please ?
Wish I could.......was a guy with a similar problem. It worked though, got through it and his practical. Needed it for Master 200.


11 Oct 2022
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Thanks @DJE , I also have a Casio calculator that accepts an entry in both deg, min, sec and deg, min, decimal min format.

But, big but, it will not give an add or subtract answer in the deg,min,decimal min format. (Or at least I haven’t as yet found how to do it).

It gives the answer in deg, min, sec or will scroll to the deg, decimal degree format which is not what I want.

Deg, min, decimal min is the common use form within the sight reduction process. I’m trying to find a calculator or App to help someone who struggles with this as mental arithmetic.
Although not a Casio, my TI calculator will allow me to enter an angle in DMS and like you it won't permit arithmetic operations on the number in that format. I have to convert it into Degrees.decimal Degrees e.g. I enter 50° 30' 45" then press a button marked DMS>DD which converts it to 50.5125°, I then add or subtract another angle similarly converted then press a button marked DD>DMS to render the answer back in DMS.

I wonder if there is a similar function on yours? I've used DMS and you're talking about Degrees, minutes. decimal minutes but maybe an equivalent is available on yours (there isn't on mine as mine doesn't do Degrees, minutes.decimal minutes so I can't try it). In any event you will have to convert it to Degrees.decimal Degrees to do any calculation I suspect.

What model is your Casio?
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8 Jun 2005
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I suspect you won't find a calculator that has a built in function to display degrees and decimal minutes. You could calculate it yourself easily enough though - Use the DMS output and divide the seconds value by 60 then add that to the minutes. With a programmable calculator it should be simple enough to write a script that will do it for you.


11 Oct 2022
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I suspect you won't find a calculator that has a built in function to display degrees and decimal minutes. You could calculate it yourself easily enough though - Use the DMS output and divide the seconds value by 60 then add that to the minutes. With a programmable calculator it should be simple enough to write a script that will do it for you.
According to this
Thanks @DJE , I also have a Casio calculator that accepts an entry in both deg, min, sec and deg, min, decimal min format.
The calculator does permit degrees/minutes/decimal minutes unless I am misreading it.


11 Oct 2022
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Thanks @DJE , I also have a Casio calculator that accepts an entry in both deg, min, sec and deg, min, decimal min format.

But, big but, it will not give an add or subtract answer in the deg,min,decimal min format. (Or at least I haven’t as yet found how to do it).

It gives the answer in deg, min, sec or will scroll to the deg, decimal degree format which is not what I want.

Deg, min, decimal min is the common use form within the sight reduction process. I’m trying to find a calculator or App to help someone who struggles with this as mental arithmetic.
Ah, just re-read your post, that's the function I was referring to above. In that format you can apply arithmetic operations but then have to change the format back to display your preferred format, degrees, minutes and decimal minutes in your case if I understand you correctly.


Well-known member
4 May 2007
Cambridge, UK
Whatever format is used for entry or display of angles, internally they will be manipulated as radians - it's how the maths works. And I would expect a calculator that accepts DMS to also accept DM.MMM; the software to handle it is already in place, so the developer would have to make a conscious choice to exclude it. There's no ambiguity, so it's not difficult. However, a choice has to be made for output, and unless it's user selectable, your stuck with the developer's choice.

If I had £5 for every time I'd had to implement this kind of thing, I'd probably have bought a bigger boat!


Well-known member
4 Jun 2007
Home: North West, Boat: The Clyde
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According to this
Thanks @DJE , I also have a Casio calculator that accepts an entry in both deg, min, sec and deg, min, decimal min format.
The calculator does permit degrees/minutes/decimal minutes unless I am misreading it.
It accepts the format as input but gives output only in either d/m/s or d/decimal degree.

There are, of course, ways to then manipulate the above results to give the required format but unlikely to be easy for a dyslexic student with relatively poor mental arithmetic skills. If they knew how to make the conversions, they probably wouldn’t need the calculator in the first place.


Well-known member
4 Jun 2007
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I posted the same question on a FB celestial navigation page and received three promising leads for phone Apps. One is an expensive sight reduction process App that includes a calculator with deg, min, decimal min format. Perfect but I don’t really want to suggest buying this.

Two other guys helpfully suggested calculator Apps. It’s not clear to me from the App Store description if they can do what I want so I’ve asked supplementary questions to the posters. If they can, I’ll post links for anyone else with an interest.

Thanks to all for contributing, much appreciated.


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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I posted the same question on a FB celestial navigation page and received three promising leads for phone Apps. One is an expensive sight reduction process App that includes a calculator with deg, min, decimal min format. Perfect but I don’t really want to suggest buying this.

Two other guys helpfully suggested calculator Apps. It’s not clear to me from the App Store description if they can do what I want so I’ve asked supplementary questions to the posters. If they can, I’ll post links for anyone else with an interest.

Thanks to all for contributing, much appreciated.
Mrs S has had a few students in the online school she works for struggling with this. Adding and subtracting in degrees, minutes and decimals. She says that there are several apps in Google play store that do it. Type in calculator for degrees, minutes and decimals. There's quite a lot.

Throughout the Ocean Theory, a great many of students mistakes are maths errors. Next on list, wrong date or wrong line in any of the tables. Often feel more of a maths teacher for the first couple of days of the course....