How do I format a c-map user card in pc planner. Tried file manager but icons at the bottom which should be there according to help, are playing you cant see me games. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
In mine I click on the c-Card in File Manager, it goes grey then right button in the big box where the file names are, a little pop-up occurs near the mouse pointer that says Format C-Card.
I think it depends on the version of PC Planner you are using.
They changed the way that the File Mangler works after Vers 10.
But, from memory, in either case, you right click the slot with the memory card in and a Format item appears on the right click menu.
Also if you are transferring to Raymarine Pathfinder displays (RL70/RL80 etc) you MUST have the smaller 128K card - the bigger one doesnt work in the RL80/RL70s
Also if you are transferring to Raymarine Pathfinder displays (RL70/RL80 etc) you MUST have the smaller 128K card - the bigger one doesnt work in the RL80/RL70s
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yes I had this problem when I bought my user card - and could not format it - then bought the 128K card and as if by magic, the format card appeared - so it is probably because the card is bigger than 128K ...