Can anyone recommend a suitable book for some advice on sail trim on a modern boat? A few chapters on mast bend and rigging tension would be useful as well.
I have a couple of copies of a book called Racing Dinghy Sails by Jeremy Howard-Williams. First published in 1971 and meant for dinghy racers so it does not strictly meet your criteria. However I found it helpful. I accidently bought a second copy. Yours for a fiver my boy!
Regards Briani
There's quite a good book published by Fernhurst which covers exactly what you want. Cost; about £15. It's called something like "Sail and Rig Tuning" (not sure exactly as my copy is on the boat!)
A great book, I seem to understand (and be able to try and apply) a little bit more of it every year.
Tried to setup the rig pretension this year using the described method where you measure the stretch of the wire over 2m. It recommended 3mm for a fractional rig, but I stopped at 2mm as I couldnt get anymore turns on the bottlescrews with the tools I had.
I like "Sail trim for cruisers" also from Fernhurst. I've just remembered that I lent it out last month and it hasn't come back yet but it was less than £15 from memory. Probably less comprehensive than that mentioned above therefore but suited my simple mind perfectly. Several pennies dropped for me regarding topics that were previously only highly esoteric concepts! - good going for a slim volume.