Boat vs Women


Active member
6 Aug 2001
Wherever there are boats
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Boats v WOMEN:

Boats can kill you quickly; a woman takes her time.

Boats can be turned on by a flick of a switch.

Boats don't object to a pre-trip inspection.

Boats come with manuals to explain their operation.

Boats have strict weight limits.

Boats don't come with in-laws.

Boats don't care about how many other boats you have had

Boats don't mind if you like to look at other Boats.

Boats don't mind if you buy boating magazines.

Boats expect to be tied up.

Boats don't comment on your piloting skills.

Boats don't whine unless something is really, really wrong.

HOWEVER, when boats go quiet, just like women, it's a bad thing.

Old Ones are the best ones

<font color=black>I am WHAT I say I am


Active member
16 May 2001
I no longer live in Hope
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Boats can kill you quickly; a woman takes her time
** but at least you go with a smile on your face

Boats can be turned on by a flick of a switch
** we don't have switches, but we do have a button that does the same
turns us on

Boats don't object to a pre-trip inspection
** we don't object to pre-trip inspection, as long as you don't tell us our stern looks big

Boats come with manuals to explain their operation.
** you've been told so many times what we like and what we don't. This is where you are like boats - neither of you has the ability to listen
Boats have strict weight limits.

Boats don't come with in-laws.
** I'll give you that one - works both way !!!

Boats don't care about how many other boats you have had
** nor do i

Boats don't mind if you like to look at other Boats.
** nor do i

Boats don't mind if you buy boating magazines.
** nor do i - keps you quiet !

Boats expect to be tied up.
** so do i, i had it included in my wedding vows

Boats don't comment on your piloting skills.
** you don't have any, so there's nothing to comment upon

Boats don't whine unless something is really, really wrong.
** I don't whine - I remind

HOWEVER, when boats go quiet, just like women, it's a bad thing.
** or they're asleep.

Old Ones are the best ones - I agree
