I am driving to the London Boat Show with a friend from Denmark on Friday and would like to know of any parking available close to the show. Cost and details appreciated.
There's a park and ride service. £5 per day at Beckton, which is one of the roundabouts as you approach the site from the A13/M25/east approach. It's efficient and stress-free, and easy to spot.
Limited parking within spitting distance of both East and West entrances in multistorey car parks - costs about £10 per day and you'll need to be there early to get in.
Alternatively, I used a "fly" car park set up about 300 yards from the west entrance on a bit of scrap land. Charged £5 for the day. It closes 30 mins after the end of the show (that means they push a big slab of concrete across the entrance.
It's on the last roundabout before you come to the Multistory/ Hotel Ibis etc.
I parked in the multi-story by the hotels at the west entrance today. Arrived at 11:00 and there was pleny of space, left just before 5 and the cost was £8.
Car park was only about 100yds or so from the entrance so very convenient.
we followed signs all the way to excel valet parking.
at the last roundabout at the east end of excel, where valet parking sarts turn left (right for valet parking) parked by the travel inn and got a golf buggy to the show door and back.
( there were a few lorrys and trailers in there may be an exhibitors car park)
Did not pay a penny , no machine no barrier free.........????