Boat Show bloomers....

16 May 2001
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Earlier when someone asked if there was anyone out here who had actually bought a boat at the LIBS, modesty held me back.

But now that my new outboard and my new inflatable appear to have arrived, I have to report the following.

First, yesterday the outboard was delivered, to my office as arranged. It was put out back in the post room but as the day went on, something seemed not right with the large tough cardboard box clearly marked "This way up". At lunchtime, when the fumes of leaking petrol had permeated through the corridors and the stairwell and reached my office, I was a little alarmed. You see we had an arson attack on our hole-in-the-wall ATM on Weds. night of last week.

Rushing down to the replaced machine there obviously wasn't a problem. In the post room I found the culprit.

The engine a Mariner 3.3 had been test run and PDI-ed but then re-packed, upside down with the fuel filler cap vent left open. The carpet in that room was soaked, as supposedly was the front office and the floor of Interparcel's Next-day van.

Ok S... happens. But twice? The dinghy arrived mid morning today but this time at home. My wife rang to tell me and since I was passing the homestead this afternoon, I dropped in to take a look. Inside the box marked clearly "2.65 inflatable dinghy" were several Douglas Gill Coastal Jackets, polar fleeces and six pairs of salopettes.

They say that the party after closing time at Excell on the last day is one one hell of a do!

Steve Cronin


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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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Even having had a pdi, the engine fuel tank should have been drained . The parcel people would have a fit if they knew!.

I had engine and outboard (and other items) delivered from the previous LBS without any problems.


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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Your post strikes a cord. As we struggle to organise the delivery of a liferaft ordered at the show and so far sent twice to different wrong addresses, I've realised that I've never made a boat show purchase that has arrived without complications.

You might be right about the effect of the post-show party. Excel could profit by arranging a decent delivery organisation for all the participants - preferably one that employs strict teetotalers.


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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PS Re: Boat Show bloomers....

Today's post boat-show exchange:

Wellknown Mail-order Chandlers: "Sorry mate, you must have given us the wrong phone number, that's why we couldn't ring you to let you know we were delivering, as you asked."

Me: "So where did the courier get my number from, to phone me to say he'd been sent to a nonexistent address?"

Wellknown Mail-order Chandlers: "Err..."

Liferaft now returned 200 miles away. They'll try again tomorrow - third time lucky?


Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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Two hits for Mailspeed.....

I gave them a list and told them I would be back to collect the best prices in a couple of hours. Did that. Then yesterday(two weeks later) someone phoned me with the prices for my enquiry!!!????. Politely told them it was all done and dusted. Some ordered from them, some not.

They phoned me and told me my huge order including life raft and other gear was waiting for me to collect. Same day as One above.

So at least it has all arrived I think. We shall see on Saturday.
