Boat share or need crew?


New member
31 Aug 2008
London boat at Hythe, Southampton
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Just sold buy boatshare on south coast. Too much of a commute for short trips and pottering about. I am after offers on three areas. Anyone who needs a pair of extra hands to sail with. Quite practical and about 4 years coastal/pottering around sailing. Acquainted with the east coast/estuary. Prefer types who do coastal, short sails, pottering around and anchoring. Live in east side of London so prefer anyone moored Thames, Canvey, Leigh, Southend etc but would consider Burnham etc.

Also any offers to join boatshare on small boats/day sailor etc. Prefer someone who wants to sail together. Happy to join club.

Lastly may also consider dingy sailing if anyone needs a partner. Any advice any good dingy clubs on Thames or east coast also welcome.

Serious offers and advice only please via private message. Thanks for anticipated help.