New member
Following my earlier message about boat electrics, which got some really useful responses and pointed me in the direction of adverc who will be able to give me specialist help when the time comes on battery management, I have now realised that i need to go right back to basics and try to fathom out the actual systems that we want on the boat before trying to work out battery capacity etc. we've just bought a 32' steel boat and intend to live aboard her and let the house. At present, she's just got very basic systems on her - cold manual water and two betteries charging from an alternator - one for engine and one for lights / nav equipment. into this system we want to add hot water, a cabin heater, a fridge and, possibly, a small dehumidifier such as the new 12v model from Desivent.( At the moment the boat suffers quite badle from condenstation - especially in the forecabin - although we will be improving the insulation over this winter which should help) The problem is, as complete novices in this area of boating, we're completely overwhelmed by the number of options that exist. What we could do with is some advice from people who already have 'complete' systems up and running. we are thinking of investing in a small diesel generator to keep up with electrical requirements as we will have only very infrequent access to shore power and quite like the idea of a dickinson type cabin heater rather than a blown air system. We are also thinking of fittting a calorifier for water heating. Are these good ideas? Thanks ever so much in advance if you can give us any advice. Also, can anyone explain to me ( and I apologise for my ignorance in this field and I am TRYING to find it out for myself from books but am finding it pretty hard going) if you have a charging source (e.g. shorepower or a generator), can you thewn charge the batteries from this source and continue to run your boat system from the batteries? Or do you have to run your system direct from the power source. Sorry if this is a really stupid question!
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