Boat accommodation



What problems would i encounter if i offered accommodation on a 37ft cruiser on the south coast ? Purely offering the use of the boat in a marina not going to sea, just nice surroundings for up to four people lets say for a long weekend. What would you say its worth ? Or is anybody offering this service?


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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I've thought about it myself.
Suppose the marina might have something in there small print about it. Cant see them allowing the whole marina to become a floating motel without wanting a cut out of it!!

Then theres veting of the clients and there sprogs and how do you know there not going out to sea!!
Ok you can take the keys out but bet the kids will try every button.

No come to think about it I've had enough trouble with my own kids on the boat and they're 20'odd.
Switching on what should be off and off instead of on. Even mechanics arnt really safe. One switched off my auto bilge pump so I'd a foot of water in it on my next visit.

Might be ok if you live close enough to monitor the proceedings with maybe CCTV all over the place and a loud
speaker you can shout down every few minutes.


"Oiy you what you doin down that toilet".

" Thats discusting dont do that in my bed"

"Keep yer bloody fingers off my radar screen".

Then maybe its ok.
Let me know how you get on!!!!


Deleted User YDKXO

The crucial thing, I believe, is whether you are taking money for the accomodation. If you are, I guess you may have to comply with all sorts of regulations pertaining to hotels and guest houses, for example, local fire regulations. Despite the fact that you are'nt offering the boat itself for charter, you may have to still comply with Dti regulations eg stability. Of course, you would have to inform your boat insurance company as your standard policy may not be deemed to cover this situation