This engine is driving me nuts.Bought the boat to do up it's been abused and neglected for years. Both of us! So of course it wouldn't start Injectors overhauled,filters replaced,fuel tank removed, fuel drained and gravity fed with fresh.System bled (at least 100 times!) What a daft place to locate the injector pump bleed screw! still no joy so in desperation replaced the CAV? rotory pump and Success. Got the boat home sail+motor no probs. Now commeth the winter and the next problem,COLD STARTING.This little baby will not have it unless it gets a blast of blowlamp up the air intake.It does try and will eventually fire but the starter motor getting hot and bothered by these tantrums. I have removed and tested the heater plugs, but not reamed out the orifaces(11/64 drills thin on the ground).So, what do you good Samaritans out there have for me? Is the BMC a lemon? Are they particularly difficult in cold weather?Will Compression test show up problem? Once fired it sounds sweet no smoke under load.Oh, I forgot to mention I found 3 used tins of Easy Start in a locker! ....No, I haven't!