Best (and worst) sailing destinations in the world - is there a book?


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12 Dec 2007
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Hi All,

I wonder if anybody can help me with a recommendation. My father is planning a circumnavigation in a couple of years time and I want to get him a book (for Christmas) with recommendations on where (and where not) to visit on a world cruise - kind of like a Lonely Planet Guide to world sailing destinations - so he can start to plan and dream. Is there such a beast? All I seem to be able to find are technical or piloty-type books with information about how to get to places, what to take, how to sail long passages, dealing with storms, routes, waypoint lists, country regulations, etc. - not exactly bedtime reading.

One possible exception is "Fifty Places to Sail Before You Die", but the one customer review on Amazon is hardly glowing and it seems to be rather US-biased. Another possibility is "Ocean Passages and Landfalls", which is perhaps a crossover containing a mixture of pilotage information and more general information on where and where not to go, although it is difficult to tell from the limited information I can find in online reviews.

Does anybody have any experience of either of these books, or can you recommend something else which might be suitable.

Thanks for your help and sorry for the long post.


Well-known member
26 Sep 2004
Brisbane, Australia
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I cannot think offhand of any book addressing this subject. Most books describing places seem to be the result of one voyage, so they don't look at anything else.

"Fifty Places" sounded quite interesting to me, I would read it if I could obtain it otherwise than by buying. I read the Amazon Editorial review. I did not see any User Review. I find User reviews to be far more useful. The editorial reviews are written by someone who wants you to $$$ BUY THE BOOK $$$. I mostly buy books after I have read them, if I have found them useful and enjoyable.

good luck with your quest, and please tell us what you find.



Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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Have a look at the Jimmy Cornell titles, the Pacific pilot is very good starry night dreaming reading.