Barlow winch confusion


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28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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I have this Barlow Australia 15 single speed winch. Came form a friend and is not currently fitted to boat. The question relates to how you remove the drum for service.
In place of the I think more usual screw down the middle this has just a blank plastic disc. Looking from underneath the plastic disc is connected to a plastic lever which can pull in a circlip style spring clip that expands into a groove inside the drum. The plastic lever seems to need to be pulled up to release the spring clip as it has an inclined plane inside a loop of the spring clip. All as far as I can see impractical if winch is bolted down. Has anyone met one of these winches? Thanks ol'will Sorry photo bit got me baffled also.


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20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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Hutton Arco bought all the spare parts for Barlow winches HUTTON-ARCO Yacht Winches. Arco also make winches styled similarly to Harken, Lewmar or Barlow. They may have applicable detail to your query.

We actually bought one of their winches when we kitted out for a 150% Genoa on Josepheline. Their winch was problem free and worked as well as the Harken winches supplied with out cat. It was some time ago now and I think they are based in Sydney.



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30 Oct 2013
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The drum is held on by a wire clip. The plastic at the bottom of the handle hole has wedge shaped features that release the wire clip. Push the plastic down evenly with a piece of dowel or similar while lifting the drum. Also, Lewmar pawl spring fit.


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30 Oct 2013
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I should have said Lewmar springs fit the larger Barlow winches, probably fit these but can't be 100% sure.


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30 Oct 2013
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Sorry, I did not read your original post properly.
The Barlow disassembly and reassembly instructions are on page 2 of this document, though the images are not very clear, to say the least. Barient Winchs.pdf
Mine works as described. Could someone have dismantled your winch and re-assembled it incorrectly?
If you are still stuck in a week or so's time when I am next at my boat I will protograph mine.


Well-known member
28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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Thanks Neeves I can see now you are right. I guess i was just not pushing hard enough.
Sorry, I did not read your original post properly.
The Barlow disassembly and reassembly instructions are on page 2 of this document, though the images are not very clear, to say the least. Barient Winchs.pdf
Mine works as described. Could someone have dismantled your winch and re-assembled it incorrectly?
If you are still stuck in a week or so's time when I am next at my boat I will protograph mine.
Thanks for that link. It is indeed as described. Just needs a hard push with a suitable sized dowel or similar while lifting the drum. As said it is not curerntly mounted so i can see easily from under neath. There is a ramp on the plastic bit that was not so easily seen. This ramp pulls the wire ring clear of slot in base. Thanks all for the help.
I dug this winch out after having trouble with jib sheet winch. The pauls would not hold the drum under load. Cleaned it etc but no improvement. Only occasionally catching. A close imnspection seems to show wear on the paul biting corner. Though I might be able to sharpen them. Then had the brain wave of swapping pauls with those on the top. Much less use there and so seem in good shape. of course wear may be in the inside of the drum where pauls catch. I have yet to return to boat to fit drum and see if I have success.
Now just to explain my little boat gets a thrashing with about 30 races each year with like 30 tacks per race. Over 43 years I wore out first set of sheet winches now replacements of 30 years old now showing wear. Actually in reflection I thought the originals were not catching on the pauls because the drum was worn with lateral movement. Maybe it was due to paul wear. (the old ones have long gone)
Other problems from last Sunday race is bottom full length batten popped out at the front. Burst out of pocket at the luff. So patches and hand sewing in order with sail on the boom still. Probably someone is saying I need a new main sail but that would equate to 30% total value of boat. (optimistic) so yes repair it. ol'will