Bangor - N. ireland to Mallorca - Leaving June 1st Approx - Squadron 58


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27 Sep 2007
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Hey all,

Around June 1st approx we will be leaving from Bangor N Ireland to a final destination of Mallorca.

I'm hoping to update this thread along the way with pictures, stories and a few tales of our adventure.

My boat is a 2005 Fairline Squadron 58. I've had it nearly 3 years and its been a fantastic boat overall. We are fully serviced and as you can expect I've spent the last amount of months getting everything ready for the trip.

I'd also like to pick fellow forumites brains along the way with any advice you have to offer.

On that note if anyone can remind me of all relevant paperwork to bring that would be great.

Heres a few pics.. Lifted out of the water


Props and Shafts all cleaned up and ready to go


Starboard side


The port side

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Well-known member
11 Nov 2005
Sant Carles de la Ràpita
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Good luck
I'm sure you will enjoy the trip.
Take your time and enjoy.
Alternatively there is my time to beat - Torquay to (sight of) North Africa in five and a half days.

Varies on countries - Portugal is a bit stricter than others but there's nothing difficult.
Docs needed (in order of importance)
1. The ships registration (either SSR or Part 1 Certificates)
2. Your own Passport
3. Your crew's passports
4. Insurance Certificate
5. A preprinted crew list with their passports and home addresses
6. Insurance Certificate in French, Spanish and Portugese as well as English - I've never been asked for anything other than Emglish though.
7. I think you said you are commercially registered - if so maybe charter agreements between you and the boat etc or perhaps agreement/contract/instruction for you/crew to transport the boat.

I'm sure someone will say something about proof of VAT but I've never been asked for it - mind you we are privately registered so VAT can only have been paid so there shouldnt be a need to prove it.
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24 Mar 2009
Tasmania, Australia
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Look forward to checking any updates you may provide during the cruise bl.

While she is on the hard, and given the fouling issues in the Med. would it be worth applying a suitable product to the underwater hardware (assuming you haven't already)?
I understand Hurricane and jfm have looked long and hard at various options, they may be able to advise?


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16 May 2001
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Yup, Micron 77, in black

While we're on a list of jobs... (!)

While on the hard you could fit the new Sleipner props to the b/thruster. Loads quieter and a tiny bit more thrust. Buy from Osmotech.

There is something wrong with the auto stanchions on the besenzoni passerelle it appears?

Anchor needs winding in!

If I were doing a long trip (or any trip!) in her I'd get rid of the horseshoes and put them in the engine room. Aft of the engine room, just in front of the batteries, tucked in behind the e/r ladder. They block your vision on the guard rails

I see you have a nice new tender BL, compared with when I moored near her in Alcudia in 2009?

Good luck with the trip. Great boat to do it in.


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27 Sep 2007
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Yup, Micron 77, in black

While we're on a list of jobs... (!)

While on the hard you could fit the new Sleipner props to the b/thruster. Loads quieter and a tiny bit more thrust. Buy from Osmotech.

There is something wrong with the auto stanchions on the besenzoni passerelle it appears?

Anchor needs winding in!

If I were doing a long trip (or any trip!) in her I'd get rid of the horseshoes and put them in the engine room. Aft of the engine room, just in front of the batteries, tucked in behind the e/r ladder. They block your vision on the guard rails

I see you have a nice new tender BL, compared with when I moored near her in Alcudia in 2009?

Good luck with the trip. Great boat to do it in.

hey JFM,

She is actually back in the water now, those pics were a few months ago.

However thank you for all the suggestions - will bear in mind :)

Yes new tender indeed Williams JetRIb 325. She is currently in getting valeted and full service. Looking forward to getting her back.

Just seen pics of your recent Easter cruise - looked superb! Match really looks the part esp the running shot pic. Beastly :)


Well-known member
11 Nov 2005
Sant Carles de la Ràpita
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Yup, Micron 77, in black

While we're on a list of jobs... (!)

While on the hard you could fit the new Sleipner props to the b/thruster. Loads quieter and a tiny bit more thrust. Buy from Osmotech.

There is something wrong with the auto stanchions on the besenzoni passerelle it appears?

Anchor needs winding in!

If I were doing a long trip (or any trip!) in her I'd get rid of the horseshoes and put them in the engine room. Aft of the engine room, just in front of the batteries, tucked in behind the e/r ladder. They block your vision on the guard rails

I see you have a nice new tender BL, compared with when I moored near her in Alcudia in 2009?

Good luck with the trip. Great boat to do it in.

Couldnt understand what you meant by horseshoes :D
Then I looked at the pics
Yep - I agree - ugly things - aren't they
I bought a couple of canister versions that inflate into a "horseshoe" when thrown - one fitted behind the crane and one in my "grab bag" locker so really easy to access.
I dont know if they are considered equivalent but thats my solution to a very ugly problem.


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16 May 2001
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Couldnt understand what you meant by horseshoes :D
Then I looked at the pics
Yep - I agree - ugly things - aren't they
I bought a couple of canister versions that inflate into a "horseshoe" when thrown - one fitted behind the crane and one in my "grab bag" locker so really easy to access.
I dont know if they are considered equivalent but thats my solution to a very ugly problem.

Yup, I hate the things Hurricane. Useless in the warm waters of the Med, and ugly. Especially ugly when nailed to the foredeck guardrails. But i had no idea that you could get them in an inflatable version. I've checked the yellow book (coding rules) and there is nothing to prevent use of inflatables. Therefore I am ordering two of them right now and will free up the locker space consumed by my non inflatable horseshoes. Result! I owe you a pint!


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29 Jan 2011
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Yup, I hate the things Hurricane. Useless in the warm waters of the Med, and ugly. Especially ugly when nailed to the foredeck guardrails. But i had no idea that you could get them in an inflatable version. I've checked the yellow book (coding rules) and there is nothing to prevent use of inflatables. Therefore I am ordering two of them right now and will free up the locker space consumed by my non inflatable horseshoes. Result! I owe you a pint!

Don't throw the old ones away......just stick flowers and Holly on them and use them at Christmas or a funeral.....result:D


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16 May 2001
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Just a quick update because BL has sent me a few notes off his blackberry but doesn't have 'net access currently I think. He is just arrivng in Ile Yeu now (that's an island a bit north of La Rochelle iirc), and plans to cross SSW-wards to Gijon on the N coast of Spain tomorrow. He has had very difficult seas with sharp/steep 3m+ waves wind against tide so scared himself to death but is fine and the boat is dealing with it all ok. Waves have been from behind mostly becuase the wind has mostly N in it though he had it on starboard beam for a while as he left Brest. Weather seems ok for him to continue journey - bit of north in he wind as he goes down the portugal coast he hopes. I think he is taking pictures so it'll be great to see those when he gets chance to upload them.


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24 Oct 2006
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Wish I had an opportunity to go. A round Ireland trip on a Sunseeker and a delivery trip from Poole to Ireland (in said Sunseeker) has me hooked!

Truro Ex Pat

22 Mar 2011
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Based in Mallorca

Hi sounds a great trip just caught up with it.
If i can help with any other information you may need as I have been moving between Alicante and Ibiza and Mallorca for the last 3 years so now know the region quite well.
I am planning a trip from Mallorca to menorca and back early in Aug 2011.
I will look out for you.


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24 Mar 2009
Tasmania, Australia
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He has had very difficult seas with sharp/steep 3m+ waves wind against tide

Hope he manages to find favourable conditions for the remainder of the voyage.
I guess the pressure is on during these trips, with the delivery skipper trying to meet the owners time-frame expectations, especially after a slow down with unexpected damage prior to Brest.
Running extra long legs (300 mile and 12 hour?) in those hugely tidal seas could well throw up something nasty in mid passage.


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11 Mar 2002
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He is just arrivng in Ile Yeu now
Do you know if he actully left on June 1st as mentioned in the OP?
And if yes, did it take him more than a week to Ile Yeu because of sea conditions?
I might be involved in a similar delivery trip at the end of August (though from S UK, rather than N IR), and I'm considering the chances of being stuck up there waiting for a weather window...


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Do you know if he actully left on June 1st as mentioned in the OP?
And if yes, did it take him more than a week to Ile Yeu because of sea conditions?
I might be involved in a similar delivery trip at the end of August (though from S UK, rather than N IR), and I'm considering the chances of being stuck up there waiting for a weather window...

Hi MapisM. No I do not know if he left exactly on 1st June. You might be able to deduce his dates from the "welder needed in Brest" post. Otherwaie he will report back on here when he gets the time and a 'net connection. He had delays getting fuel in Brest, and has definitely lost a few days due to weahter already. That said, I wouldn't expect you would lose many days to weahter if starting UK S Coast, and in August.

Mind, it depends how big the boat is and your appetite for waves. BL has definitely been in some waves in the sq58 that many would avoid if they could (me included!). He said last night that you should imagine being on a jetski playing climbing the steep wake of a big mobo, then scale up the jetski to 58ft and the waves in proportion, and you get the idea! :)


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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Thanks J, lets's see what BL will say when he'll be online.
It looks like we might have yet some other very interesting cruising pics/videos.
If he could take any without being thrown around the boat, that is...! :)


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3 Jan 2007
South East UK
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When I did the trip from Poole to Mallorca during May 2009, apart from fog mid channel, the weather was very kind and the sea calm all the way.

When passing Portugal and experiencing long low swells the boat (Sunseeker Manhattan 60)
was 'surfing' and gaining up to 5 knots when at the top of the wave.

Terrific experience.

Goes to show how different the weather in that area can be.

Good luck with the rest of the trip and hope to meet you in Mallorca.


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27 Sep 2007
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biscay crossed F5 - in Spain now :)

Hey all!

Alritey finally got a chance for an update for all you guys and gals :)

We departed the UK Thurs 2nd June. First day to Milford Haven, then Falmouth next day. Conditions were perfect.

We then had to to detour to Torquay as I needed some minor repairs done prior to the trip.

Weather from Falmouth to Torquay was amazing - was on the flybridge with my top off sun bathing!!. We tinkled over at 9.5 knots for most of it.

So we stayed in Torquay,Sat, Sun and Mon nite. Got all the work done on monday (credit due to Steve from Southwest marine for being so quick with everything).

Tues 7th June was a race against time. We had really bad weather moving in fast from the West. If we didnt move today we were stuck till Thurs/Fri.

So we left Torquay marina around 5am, basically first light for our intended destination Benodet.

Weather was SW 4-5 increasing all the time all the way up to F8 in the coming 24 hours.

So we punched through the seas, 1-2 m on our SB beam.

22 knots and running good.

About 20 miles off north coast of France...


Our navigation went down, no depth sounder, True reading or cordinates..!

So I went and got my IPAD which has the navionics APP.

We drove into worsening conditions around the north tip of france sea now hitting 2 -3m.

All while using an IPAD which did a stellar job actually -)

So because of nav failure and sea conditions we called into Brest as opposed to Benodet.

...My skipper went upstairs ... came back down and said "Eh you need to come upstairs"

I was said errr ok.

Went up...

The bloody stainless mast that houses all the GPS , TV etc had snapped 180 degrees back
and was hanging on by the wires. It had snapped the GPS ( most important one lol)

Anyway...we did a bit of a DIY patch job. Got in touch with Nick Barke of Essex Boatyards and he guided me through the wiring (big thanks - awesome dude)

We basically had to remove the flybridge fridge, pulled the wires through (sounds easier than it was , very fidgity) and then re attach our GPS.

Turned the plotter on ... no luck...

Had to go to the fuse board, replace the fuse.... Turn back on... 5 secs... 10 secs. 15 secs...we had signal!

So we now have our nav system and tv aerial gaffa taped onto out flybridge BBQ and its working great . I have got the pics will upload when get a chance :).

Next day.. forecast for Biscay was looking incoming so we had to get a move on and make use of good weather that lay ahead us.

however it had been blowing for a while so sea was predicted 3m NW. We refueled at Brest (very slow pump) and got under way. We were trying to hit the the Raz de Sein at correct tides - we arrived 1 hr 30 mins after HW Brest and it was beginning to hit wind over tide.

prior to that there was big beam seas. A strong 3m peaking at 4m. You sorta know when they are big when you cant really see the horizon down in the trough.

So we aproached the Raz and it looked ominous...

Before we knew it we were in it and were commited. The tide was beginning to turn so it was heaping up the seas.

We were VERY luck the overfalls were same direction of the boat. You simply could not have went against them.

At peak we were reckoning 5m of very steep seas. I was helming and jesus excuse my language but my near 60 foot boat felt like a giant surf board . Riding up the back of one of the waves.. veering off to catch another. If you went off the end of one... could be game over.

So it lasted for about 10-15 mins and then died off and we arrived in Benodet.

Next day Benodet to Ill yeu was fantastic!! Bit of sun up top for a while and the sea was F2/3 very slight swell.

Ill Yeu we left this morning at 6am to cross Biscay. We didn't go from Benodet as its cutting it close on fuel range and with our nav being temporaily fixed you can understand

So off we went and as predicted has ST beam bow seas of 1 -2 m all the way blowing F4-5 westerly. Quite bumpy but as any S58 owner will say the boat loved every minute of it and we maintained about 22.5 knots there and arrived Gijon 5pm local time.

So now its midnight and I'm on the white wine and about to follow up with some Jack D :)

Hope you enjoy and update again over the coming week
