1. Allow shrouds to rust until broken wires stick out. Once round the Horn should be enough, or moor up in a big city.
2. The name Baggy Wrinklle actually comes from the Anglo-Saxon expression for the jumper Granny knitted for you last Christmas. Rub it up and down the shrouds until all fibres are transferred, or until your crew....
3. feels no pain when sliding down it.
4. Treat with raw linseed oil etc to encourage wildlife. This not only provides extra protein and calcium for the ship's cat, but also gives you reserve bouyancy aloft in case of a knockdown. (Bugs can float longer than you can) Once the Baggywrinkle is a healthy green colour you know it'll do its job.
5. repeat every year after Christmas.
Some people think the purpose of this is to protect sails. It's not. The purpose of sails is to add fibres to the baggywrinkle. To be completely self-sufficient in cat food, you need rope fenders as well. Once they're greeny-purply, they'll provide a habitat for some larger prey.
Apologies for innappropriate levity ( and bad spelling). Have you seen the Baggywrinkles thread on the Classic Boats forum, page three? Mirelles response.