bad day out


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10 Oct 2001
Poole Dorset
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chatting to ToMo the other day still trying to work out where it all went wrong, he suggested that i post the storey for all to see the true meaning of incompetant....enjoy!

working at home with my mate, nice day so decided to move my boat from my mates mooring to the proper one. launched the tender (with the newly shortened outboard) and made our way to the boat. once on board all neccessary check carried out (missing altanator on starboard engine..tight control cables on port side) engines running sweetly. removed mooring lines shackles etc, and we're off me on board the monarch and my mate al in the "pea green" tender.

problem 1) been to see the mooring befor, but looked at the wrong after turning the boat in its own length in about two inches of recceeding Frome, noticed a rather anxious looking "posh" yacht owner....Hmmm could this possibly be the wrong mooring? oh yes! so turning the boat in its own length in about two inches of recceeding Frome, we headed further downstream towards poole harbour.

mooring located!! now all we need to do is to turn the boat in its own length in about two inches of recceeding Frome, (getting bored yet? on!) well you know the lines they put between bouys, usually with some form of floats on them?....found one, actually my starboard propeller found it, and let me know by stalling the engine. trying to control the boat on one engine (the stiff one) led me to think that i'll jump overboard and never be seen again...and it'll all be over!

bow mooring line finally attached time to free the prop, found out that if the trim worked it would make the job easier, alas no. i'm cold and wet now after being in the river but the line is clear of the prop and it all works again...hooray!.......not so fast stevie boy. we need to adjust the bow line 'cos we're a bit close to the boat aft of us(and it's made of metal).

into the tender to check the shackle on the bouy... "don't cast off until the engines running Alan"..oh you have!. engine flooded, i'm off for a trip to Poole!

got it running i can still hear the laughing coming from round the bend in the river, so get back to boat and show Alan how to tie a tender to a stern cleat. we decide at this point that the davits are to close for comfort and start to remove them, i ask Alan to pass me the pliers to remove one of the clevis pins. he says "which pliers?" i say (in a very sacastic way) " we've only got one pair...the ones with the orange handles...DER!" at which point Alan retorts "you had them last in the tender"......silence is deafening..... "WHERE'S THE F******G TENDER!!!"

now i'm losing my (wierd by anyones standard) sense of humour, so we have to slip mooring line ..painstakingly adjusted over the last hour, then turning the boat in its own length in about two inches of recceeding Frome, go after the tender which is off on its own for a trip round Poole harbour!

only problem now is that the starboard battery is too flat to restart the engine, which leaves us with only the one with stiff the way i'm not cold any more i'm sweating profusely trying to control the boat with the heavy steering and stiff gear/throttle control, and not making a good job of it!

got tender, back to mooring, get phone call from granny (who's looking afer kids thank god!) "are you coming home soon i need to go shopping" well we've got about another half an hour to get back to wareham, load the tender back on the trailer, then get home... make it? no!

in all the 1/2 to 3/4 hour job took us three and a half hours! why? ' cos i'm bloody stupid to buy a bleedin' boat!

interested in stuff that needs mendin'


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Re: fabulous!

Can't see anything wrong with this! You have gained lots of experience by cocking it up in many different ways PLUS any time you get on to the mooring buoy in les than 3 hours will a cause for grand celebrations.

well done!


brilliant.....but if you weren't so daft buying a boat in the first place, you'd have nothing to talk about in the pub..(apart from the price of peas in Tesco).
We've had great fun reminiscing about such favourites as getting hung off our mooring warps in Plymouth old dock, as the Spring tide gushed out.
Or tying off on the SBS buoys near the Frome entrance 'cos I ignored the tide tables and dragged the drive leg on the mud as we reversed down the Frome channel..we couldn't even turn round..lucky you...


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Oh. Theres plenty more that can go wrong. Seems like you had a good day out with no major losses and most things still working or nearly. Dont worry there alot worse to come!!

No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!



New member
1 Oct 2001
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So why was it a bad day then? What spoiled it??

At least you got a day out, and even managed to get to stay out longer than you had planned. Some people get all the luck <Hrumph>


Yes you can edit files using vi but you can also play tennis with a cricket bat.



Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Re: huh thats nuffick

On Sunday my dinghy untied itself an drifted off.Watched it go for about 50 mins.Unable to give chase until me boat floated.About 4-5 boats came past and not one even spotted it.

Hard work never did anyone any good.You die from it.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Lovely spot, sat there for an hour or so watching the world go by last Wednesday, no boating activity but plenty of sun and loads of people doing the same as me.

Didn't see any dinghies floating by!! No harm done so put it all down to experience, you and your mates will laugh about it in years to come.


Active member
31 Oct 2001
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Re: thats ok then!

1 Give clive a call, he'll move the mooring bouys for you, or give him a knock, you know where.

2 Give Doug a call, he'll sort the steering and controls, or go see him in Poole boat park where Geoffs keeps his boat.

3 Give me a call so I'll know when you go out. I can stay at HOME!!!

Seriously tho, I got mine stuck in reverse sorry Astern, right on the quay with the world and his dad watching.