B&G Hydra 2000 wind failed again


26 Sep 2007
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We have a 20-ish year old Amel Super Maramu with all original B&G Hydra 2000 instruments. Overall these have been working ok and I’m inclined to keep them running rather than invest in a new instrument set up. But we have been having problems with our wind instruments and I’m puzzled by what could be the cause.

When we bought the boat 2 years ago the mast head wire for wind instrument was changed, and shortly after we bought a brand new wind sensor (213 MHU) as the old one was physically damaged. This worked ok last year, but at the start of this season the wind direction became unreliable. After removing the sensor to check it and re-secure the connections it stopped working altogether, instead showing only OFF for AWS and 0 for AWA.

We contacted b&g as the new MHU was in warranty, and their engineer fitted a new MHU about 2 weeks ago. It worked initially, but as of yesterday first the AWS went to 0 while the AWA continued to work. I powered the head off & on again, and the AWS came back. But a few hours later it was back to showing AWA as OFF again. Power cycling has not helped.

I’m assuming it is unlikely that two MHUs would fail so quickly and am waiting for the B&G guy to come back to us, but he is notoriously busy and we were planning to move on from here in a couple of days as we are heading to the canaries to cross the Atlantic.

I’m trying to figure out any reasons I can in the meantime; I’m guessing the likely culprits are either something in the mast cable or a problem with the processor itself, that is either losing the wind data or frying the MHU?

Any suggestions would be really appreciated


26 Sep 2007
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update - wind speed and direction have spontaneously returned this morning so I’m suspecting the cable but any insights would be really helpful