Attacked by an Orca near A Coruna


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15 Apr 2018
Boat on Mooring off Faro, Home near Abergele
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There seems to such a silly play on words here. Most animals play fight, it's part of their education as they'll have to do it for real to survive as adults. Whatever you like to call it, one will attack another, maybe not to kill but it's still an attack and as seen, whatever the intent it caused damage and could well sink a boat.


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4 Jan 2015
Live in Fareham Area, Boat in Gosport
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Glad to hear everybody onboard is Ok, that must have been quite alarming for all concerned. It sounds like your boat number 8 to have been rammed/nibbled by these 'playing' Orcas. What have the marine biologists said down where you are, if you are allowed to comment publicly.


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12 Feb 2019
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So, if we ever meet and I slam you on your back will you accept that I'm just playing?
You are thinking like a human and putting human interactions and though processes into a marine mammal and its thought process , the biggest flaw of the human race, if you understand and research animal behaviour you will find them acting in their natural environment as curious ,, playful, and interested, the word attack is wrong and misleading, we have no video evidence no pictures of the bite marks which would help to determine what the orca was actually doing,
A proper study and in estimation of the situation rather than the human reaction of using words like attack.
As I have said many times on this thread if this whale was threatened , felt angry . So called anxious it would not waste it's time or energy, it would attack with force and cause serious damage if it wished to do so , so an interaction with the orca is a better statement rather than an attack as it has not been proven through the evidence presented


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12 Jun 2017
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Jeez, time to upgrade the stereo on board... So Jazz shall it be that they don't like to dance?


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15 Mar 2011
Nr Macclesfield
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Sorry to hear about your episode with an orca Pete.

On an ARC crossing in 1995 we were stalked by an orca about 4 days out from Gran Canaria for a few hours. It would sit a wave or two back and then swim around us to sit back on a wave again. It did this for about a hour getting ever closer underneath to our bolt on keel and spade rudder Lightwave 48 footer. We were doing 10 to 15 knots down the waves and about 7 knots up them. As it was getting more curious we started putting ammonia down the toilets and pumping out. It was still curious. In the end only starting the engine and putting it in gear to open the prop scarred it off. We could only guess that it was attracted to a resonance on the boat when it hit higher speeds.


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12 Feb 2019
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I cannot respond to the orca thread as I am banned from it . Sorry to those I cannot respond to it was an interesting thread
As some one who has an amateur and in my professional career studied these animals for over 35 years I find these stories particular interesting, as it helps us more understand these magnificent creatures.
The last post is a prime example on misinformation of these animals the word stalking , these are part of the dolphin family, if a dolphin followed your boat for hours you would not say stalking
Anyways enough of this we will truly never know:p


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6 Mar 2010
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We have just had a diver inspect the damage and there are several bite marks on both sides of the hull and the keel. We couldn't change course as the rudder was smashed and we lost steerage.

I absolutely love these creatures and they are normally so peaceful. This one was angry though, or at the very least playing a bit too rough!


An Orca bit the rudder off a HR36? .... and bite marks in the hull and keel .... perhaps it just wanted a skeg sandwich for lunch?

PS: Glad you're all OK


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14 Feb 2007
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I heard somewhere that there are four species of orca, so maybe it is misleading to refer to them as one animal. I have nothing against orcas, except that it is not an allowable Scrabble word in our admittedly old Scrabble dictionary, though 'orc' is.


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12 Feb 2019
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[ ?

Didn't need to be that way, you missed it but everyone generally is very much on your side and don't wish any harm to such beautiful animals. Luckily the Orcas tend not to be as grumpy and confrontational ;)
Grumpy is harsh I was merely holding my own ,;) some people do not like my monotone posts but no need to be rude or query my intelligence
I'm a great believer if you don't like or agree be polite and stake your point , ah well nothing lost nothing gained ,


Well-known member
12 Feb 2019
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I heard somewhere that there are four species of orca, so maybe it is misleading to refer to them as one animal. I have nothing against orcas, except that it is not an allowable Scrabble word in our admittedly old Scrabble dictionary, though 'orc' is.
You are right I think some one posted already the sub species that we know off offshore , seal and mammal eating , fish eating and local pods they are the only mammal next to man that covers the whole globe as a species and we still do not know if they interact outside their groups,
Interesting I decide as I am really bored got out my papers on them , and researched boat attacks there has been a few reports in the 60s and 70s of orcas attacking boats 2 were catching them were one female was caught in a net and it is thought her crys attracted 2 males who rammed the boat
One report in the med was of a yatch getting struck by one and taking in water it was then reported by the crew that on of the pod went against the hull to prevent water entering as the crew took to the water the orcas did not touch them
Another report of divers and snorkel ers in Norway doing a large study of the orcas chasing the herring all the footage was analysed and they found no aggressive movements to the divers
A yatch in the 70s was hit by an orca in the Galapagos islands again the crew took to the water and the orcas left
As I have said no known attacks on humans in the wild by orcas, I guess they like the taste of fiberglass