Atis is a functionality on your normal vhf which automatically transmits [each time you release the send button] the identification = callsign of yoru own vhf apparatus, it's mandatory at least in belgium and netherlands and it's purpose : the authorities can identify those who make abuse of the channels like 16. this functionality was to be retrofitted on existing vhf's and is provided on the new ones
the dsc is another kind of functionality which enables you to transmit your identification, kind of distress and your position whilst pushing only one button in case eg that you'r in trouble. it's mandatory according the GMDSS=rules for commercial vessels
AIS = automatic identification system : it 's becoming mandatory for the commercial ships gradualy and it consists of a vhf transmitter and receiver which both transmit and receive continuously : your machine transmits your position. speed, heading, name of your ship. dangerous cargo etc Your machine also receives this info from the ships in the vicinity. that info is shown either on the machine' s own screen or can be displayed on the radars which gives a tremendous picture of vectors of the targets around you.
As mentioned before, compulsory digital identification feature in Belgium, Dutch and German INLAND waters (incl. some waters that are inland bu definition)
Note of caution: If you are about to buy a VHF that has an actually working (! as opposed to potential) ATIS function, you should take into account the reprogramming possibility and/or cost. As an integral part of the ATIS profile, certain channels are automaitcally reduced in output or blocked and certain functions, e.g. dual watch, are eliminated.
The change back to normal VHF profile can be very easy, e.g. on the Shipmate 8300 it cost me about GBP15 in Holland. Particularly when you have a digital DSC radio, it should be similar. However, it can be a major hassle depending on the make.
For that reason you find a lot of VHFs traded on e-bay, specifically with or without ATIS, depending what the chaps need.
Does this mean then that all yachts in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany that either permanently or temporarily enter the river and canal system must have atis?
Also, do you know then what the position is for (say) a British Yachtsmen whose DSC radio does not have atis?
This also intreged me when I saw an advert for DSC radio at £199 followed by Atis (inclusive ) at £249 so I emailed the tech. dept. of C**p*s 24 and asked what would I get for the extra 50squids. Answer came back " Atis is the channel used by Northern European Cannal Systems and is not mandatory in U.K. waters". So unless you intend to go into the former Soviet Block (by cannal) dont spend another 50 squids on something you will never need!
Thanks all of you.
Now it's clear for me.
as an open sea sailings (mainly in the med) I'm more interesting in the "ais" features,
if there is any chart plotter \ software system that can display the info received
from the "ais" unit.
So it can reduce the need for radar if it can display all ships around.
and the info needed to make a call with the "dsc" to a specific ship around.
Does some one know if such software that can show all this info exists?