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28 Jul 2020
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Hi, I’m still around , check in once or twice a week but dont post unless I feel I can add value
I stopped posting on a regular basis when the forum lost its sense of humour .
I started A thread recently to test the waters , “anchor’s and their insurers “ or something similar but i was blocked from Photos so i couldn't complete it
Hi Pete, perhaps you need to to start some Ziggy Zaggy threads…


Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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Hi Pete, perhaps you need to to start some Ziggy Zaggy threads…
Oh yes those were the days , good fun - How to navigate the Solent on a busy day
Hold your course and speed until the last minute in case they Zig ( same applies for dealing with the zags).
Apparently some didn’t take it with the intended humour.
I can’t really take the credit for the term Zig zagging around , If I recall correctly it was someone off scuttleburts that first used the term Zig Zag and then Haydn was all over it.
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Active member
18 Aug 2008
Hi Spotty....Im in the same frame of mind as you. I used to put lots of vids n pics on easily like fbook ISSSS !!...but when it changed to press this shrink that load a bucket etc........... I dont have enough patience to navigate all that palava so now just pop in to see JFM, Henryf, Kwackers , Hurricaine etc type pearls of wisdom then slip out without trace APPY NU YEAR ALL n byeeeeeeee n till nxt time


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20 Sep 2011
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It seems strange peeps complain about the demise of the forum when the peeps who made it strong have made it poor by not contributing .


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21 Jun 2004
Anglesey Wales
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I came across this Place a while back
Whilst doodling my time behind a desk job
Asked a question about the boat I had and the problem within
Gordon Bennet!
the advice, the pdf files, the drawings, the information, the suggestions, the advice, the Cure even!
blew my small Celtic cranium 😱
I have met many off or is it ‘in here’?
Names too many to mention
Some that Need mentioning
Some that don’t!!!
That however, the Topic I mean deserves a Post/ thread on in its own

Yer see Phant

Sorry for the abbreviation but this modern Tec shite can’t do the predictive text always correctly
Plus I’m a very old fart
I spend less time on here than before
Well, my stories are old hat now
Plus I need to spend time on ‘Facebook’ ‘Twitter’ etc etc because if I don’t , my offspring don’t reply
Do they answer the phone?
crikey no
Do they respond to ‘Electronic Messages’?
oh sorry
‘e Mails’
I think they are?
no, do they buggery!
oh and then there is Sumatt called ‘tic toc I believe?
Lots of different ways to communicate now
YBW was the best and only way to discuss boaty stuff once
Still the best imho
Some contributors have expired naturally
Some contributors are not as young as they were
Some potential contributors use the Media mentioned earlier to ‘discuss’ and ‘argue’ Topics that would be ‘Meat and Veg’ on these Forai years ago
Some would say it’s ‘Progress’
I say, it’s not the fact that the ‘Old Guard’ are complaining about the lack of activity on here, therefore vacating this Forai
I say
It’s probably time for My cocoa and a lie down
I’m exhausted
I’ve not written So Many Words in a long time


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14 Jan 2023
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I probably don't count since I've never been the most prolific poster and I was a 'raggy man' for a good few years before a break. But now a Trader 'with many jobs' owner, i've kinda drifted back in a bit. But I do have a fairly low tolerance to "I told you so" and "you're wrong because I said so" kinda posts so it doesn't take too much for me to drift off again.
Plenty of those on here. It’s amazing how much they know and how little we do…


Well-known member
29 Apr 2020
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I've only been here for 3 years or so but what made this forum great before and less so now?

I do wonder if it's the changing attitudes of our population, culturally everyone seems so opinionated, conditioned to bias and we allow internet warriors / trolls / our media to tell us what we should and shouldn't expect.

So maybe people were just nicer 20 years ago? I think they probably were, or maybe I'm just getting older........


Well-known member
24 Jun 2002
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I've only been here for 3 years or so but what made this forum great before and less so now?

I do wonder if it's the changing attitudes of our population, culturally everyone seems so opinionated, conditioned to bias and we allow internet warriors / trolls / our media to tell us what we should and shouldn't expect.

So maybe people were just nicer 20 years ago? I think they probably were, or maybe I'm just getting older........

I think there is definitely something in this and I have noticed a deterioration in the tone of some interactions on here (I would say some and by no means all 😁)

Way back when the Lounge didn’t exist and things were a lot more lively on here. The introduction of the Lounge was a little controversial and it definitely had an impact - not a particularly good one IMHO but that is ancient history now 😉