Are we being ripped off again?



Our club has been asked to pay a 25 pound 'booking fee' by some Solent Harbours/Marinas when reserving berths for our Rally. This fee is non-refundable and in addition to mooring fees, i.e it's an extra charge. I feel that is just yet another way of increasing fees (remember the days, only a few years ago, before short stay and anchoring charges).

We used to pay a deposit and in the even of cancelling, due to weather etc, the deposit was non-refundable, which we thought fair.

So my view is a deposit is fair, but an addition charge for bringing a Rally is a rip-off.

I'd like to get a view from other yachties, do you think this is reasonable business practise or is it another way to increase berthing fees?


Well-known member
6 Jun 2001
UK East Coast
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I agree with you that a deposit is fair, but should not be in addition to the mooring charge. I assume you got a good discount for group booking, otherwise you should definately go somewhere else. As a consumer, the only power you have is where you place your business.


New member
11 Nov 2001
k up your larder - Malvern & Portsmouth
Mention the marinas and every other club/rally would then steer clear. Our only power is with our business. The Albin Vega Club holds rallies each year in The Solent and we always try and steer clear of just about every marina. The only one I have ever found to be helpful, honest and reasonable is Yarmouth (IOW) but then it is council owned and run but the service is always first class.

Albin Vega "Southern Comfort" V1703


light blue touch paper & retire...

In the Solent there are too many rallies and they are spoiling it. In many instances you call up xyz and they say sorry expecting a rally you then find half the boats don't turn up and the average family boat doesn't stand a chance. Charge you yes and also charge for any that do not turn up ...e.g. if say you book for 10 and only 5 turn up you still get charged for the 10.

I will now await the emotive knee jerk reaction.!!!

Courtesy is an iota but makes the world go round


Sounds like ....

a Marina that will have empty spaces instead of a Rally to me ....

I would call a few others and get their prices and boycott the 'Booking Fee' people AND let them know why !

I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !


Rallies ...

Having been the ' instigator' of a Rally group ... actually based on the PBO Forum, I would like to say that the comments about booking a number of boats and boats not turning up is a problem and one I fully agree is not satisfactory. But what can you do ? Often its a hard task to collect all boats fees BEFORE going on the rally ... if you could then the marina etc. would receive the amount due for the booked amount ... but often you are left with the only alternative but collect the money after arrival at marina ... then you get the 'missing' boats and all etc.

I know its no consolation to those turned away ... but having been on both sides - have seen empty spaces taken up quickly by others arriving after rally .... therefore the Marina has little reason to charge extra, deposit against final fees - no problem and accepted ... extra - NO !

I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !


Re: Sounds like ....

Not in the Solent these days unless as an individual you book early in the week your chances of getting in are radically reduced. The days when you could call up on 37 or 80 and get a place at 16:00 are gone. So if the rallies start boycotting great !!!!!!!!!

Courtesy is an iota but makes the world go round



I never pre-book as an individual boat, only when in a group such as the PBO Meet Group ... and normally have no trouble ... maybe not exactly the pontoon / berth I would prefer, but still rare to have to go another place.

I am lucky that I have greater choice than a lot - as I'm a Bilge Keeler and only 25ft ... giving a lot more choice and possibilities. (Many a time I've squeezed in that little space at the front where others couldn't get in !!!!)

I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !


Bembridge ????

Bembridge is private ... Brading Harbour and higher fees than Ryde / Yarmouth the Council ones ...
Second if a Rally goes to Bembridge - that definitely fills the Marina Visitors berths ... and your stuck out on the channel pontoons atht have only recently been linked to shore.

Yarmouth - the council berths and water taxi / dinghy ---- excellent , or pay more and get Harold Hayles with walk ashore / electric / water ... again good people to deal with ...

Ryde .... always found them to be very very good and helpful.

I only came - cos they said there was FREE Guinness !


New member
11 Nov 2001
k up your larder - Malvern & Portsmouth
Ooops ! Yarmouth always seem really good to us. The price is always good compared with the main Marinas and the harbourmasters in their boats are always friendly. Bembridge I found to be not too bad and they have never charged us but they do have a very captive clientel, once in your stuck there!

Albin Vega "Southern Comfort" V1703


Well-known member
18 Aug 2002
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Ripped off? not me!

You boys in the solent sure do have it hard when trying to find somewhere to"park".Turned away? no room at the inn? Makes us westcountry boys realise 'ow lucky us be. Been sailin' for nigh on 40 years and never been turned away yet! Any way whats wrong with using the "pick".
Well thats my views tho' some will disagree!
Why don't you boys come down and visit?----- Second thoughts stay there or there wont be room for me .

Cheers and fair winds to you all.


Re: Ripped off? not me!

We would love to park in the land of the pasty both varieties... but bthe tripm each weekend would be 4-5 hours each way...Did hear that there is a long waiting list in Dartmouth for marina berths!!!!! Solent on a weekend in season is getting worse as every year passes.....

Courtesy is an iota but makes the world go round


New member
12 Oct 2001
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Sorry to disagree.

Nothing is more frustrating to arrive at a near empty marina at around 1600 to be told there are no berths as they are expecting a rally. Try listening on CH80 on any Saturday to see what I mean.

One of the great sadnesses this year was when good old Yarmouth started accepting bookings.

One of the many joys of sailing is to be able to turn up anywhere, anytime and be generally sure of getting a berth. If everyone gets into the habit of pre-booking we might as well give up.

So, if some marinas are now charging a booking fee - jolly good - it might just stop this booking practice before it completely ruins weekend sailing.



Active member
16 May 2001
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Don't know if they changed it this year. But certainly up to last year, Bembridge would not take bookings after say 12th July, when they said it was too busy to do that. I don't agree you should pay more but playing "Devils Advocate", I can see that Yarmouth would find it considerably extra work shepharding a rally over the space of several hours. Probably on a day when it's going to fill up anyway. I've been on several club rallies there and they do their best to accomodate various needs. It must be extra pressure.


1 Oct 2002
Nope - not charged enough

Space is to tight in Solent should not accept a booking without taking a non refundable deposit - just like an Hotel. If you dont show by 18.00 then the berth should be let - just like an Hotel. If you want a berth guaranteed you should pay the full rate on booking.

If you have a Solent Marina berthe and you are away for the night you should be compelled to let the Berthing MAster know so that your berth is available to a visitor.

I have spent too many Saurday nights on the VHF trying to find a berth accessible to the Solent, eventually flubbered ashore to see marinas half empty. Something has gone wrong with the economics.

Finally, any Sunsail flotilla rally should be charged double rates.


New member
1 Nov 2001
Southampton ,England
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Re: Nope - not charged enough

Why should i tell anyone im away for the night ,i pay a small fortune for my berth, but the big problem that could arise is, what do i do if i come back early and find i have no where to moor as someone else is their on my berth.
