I was out there and what a fabulous day it was too. Initially I was the only motor boat moored at Town Quay but by lunchtime there were a few more. Only cost a fiver to moor there as well.
I think it's a shame that most end up on the hard at this time of year.
<hr width=100% size=1>I've only gone and bought it!
We thought that. Left Lymington for Cowes at 8am on Sunday and barely saw any. Then we realised what it was. Only us raggies have to leave at ungodly hours to beat the foul tide - the stinkies lay in bed and then power through later.
True enough, as we headed up the Medina late morning, they were starting to head down having slept off the excesses of Saturday night in the Folly.
Yes, Many were running on the donkey. What a glorious day it was too! There was enough wind for some Hoby-Cats or similar to be running on one hull at 15 knots plus just after lunch saturday off Woolston. They WERE having fun.
Well there were over 40 anchored within a couple of miles of the Needles on Sunday, and we had 8 in sight where we were a few miles off Swanage/Old Harry.........others as you say were probably running to a different clock - if you are not leaving the Solent in a PB then there is little point heading out any more than an hour before lunch - wouldn't want to make unnecessary wash for the sailing contingent would we?