I Arrive in london on the morning of the 6th Jan and will need a quiet beer followed by twenty noisey ones - just to get over the shock of getting back to "civilisation".
Hi Stringo!!!
Sorry I cant be in the UK this Christmas /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif or I would be happy to buy you two beers, a large scotch and a steak dinner! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Have a great Christmas and a peaceful New Year!!
God jul from Norway!! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Delighted to - come to the Middlesex hospital and we'll go for a jar between cases. Have some pics of the stability test in Cherbourg 15 months ago.
Happy Christmas
Can't think why you'd want to come all the way to Aberdeen JUST for the beer - even if I am buying ! ! But if you are up this way, I'll certainly buy you a beer or three - It's not true what they say about Aberdonians ! !